C++ API Reference
This is the complete list of members for MPx3dModelView, including all inherited members.
backgroundColor(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
backgroundColorBottom(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
backgroundColorTop(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
beginGL() | MPx3dModelView | |
beginXorDrawing(bool drawOrthographic=true, bool disableDepthTesting=true, float lineWidth=1.0f, M3dView::LineStipplePattern stipplePattern=M3dView::kStippleNone, const MColor &lineColor=MColor(1, 1, 1)) | MPx3dModelView | |
className() | MPx3dModelView | static |
colorAtIndex(unsigned int index, M3dView::ColorTable table=M3dView::kActiveColors, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
destroyOnPanelDestruction() const | MPx3dModelView | |
displayAxisAtOriginOn(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
displayAxisOn(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
displayCameraAnnotationOn(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
displayHUD(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
displayStyle(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
doUpdateOnMove(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
drawAdornments(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
drawAdornmentsNow() | MPx3dModelView | |
drawHUDNow() | MPx3dModelView | |
drawText(const MString &text, const MPoint position, M3dView::TextPosition textPosition=M3dView::kLeft) | MPx3dModelView | |
endGL() | MPx3dModelView | |
endXorDrawing() | MPx3dModelView | |
filteredObjectList(MSelectionList &list) const | MPx3dModelView | |
fogColor(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
fogDensity(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
fogEnd(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
FogMode enum name | MPx3dModelView | |
fogMode(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
FogSource enum name | MPx3dModelView | |
fogSource(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
fogStart(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
getAsM3dView(M3dView &view) | MPx3dModelView | |
getCamera(MDagPath &camera) | MPx3dModelView | |
getCameraHUDName() | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
getCameraSet(MObject &cameraSet) | MPx3dModelView | |
getColorIndexAndTable(unsigned int glindex, unsigned int &index, M3dView::ColorTable &table) const | MPx3dModelView | |
getCurrentCameraSetCamera(MString &cameraName) | MPx3dModelView | |
getModelView(const MString &name, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | static |
getObjectsToView(MSelectionList &list) const | MPx3dModelView | |
hasStereoBufferSupport() const | MPx3dModelView | |
isBackfaceCulling(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isBackgroundFogEnabled(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isBackgroundGradient(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
isFogEnabled(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isShadeActiveOnly(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isTextureDisplayEnabled(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isTwoSidedLighting(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isVisible(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isWireframeOnShaded(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
isXrayEnabled(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
kFogCoordinate enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kFogExponential enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kFogExponentialSquared enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kFogFragment enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kFogLinear enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightActive enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightAll enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightDefault enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightNone enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightQuality enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
kLightSelected enum value | MPx3dModelView | |
LightingMode enum name | MPx3dModelView | |
lightingMode(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
MPx3dModelView() | MPx3dModelView | |
multipleDrawEnabled() const | MPx3dModelView | |
multipleDrawPassCount() | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
name(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
numActiveColors(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
numDormantColors(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
numUserDefinedColors(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
objectDisplay(M3dView::DisplayObjects, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
okForMultipleDraw(const MDagPath &) | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
portHeight(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
portWidth(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
postMultipleDraw() | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
postMultipleDrawPass(unsigned int index) | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
preMultipleDraw() | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
preMultipleDrawPass(unsigned int index) | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
refresh(bool all=false, bool force=false) | MPx3dModelView | |
removingCamera(MDagPath &cameraPath) | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
requestOkForDraw(const MDrawRequest &) | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
setBackfaceCulling(bool cull) | MPx3dModelView | |
setBackgroundFogEnabled(bool enable) | MPx3dModelView | |
setCamera(MDagPath &camera) | MPx3dModelView | |
setCameraInDraw(MDagPath &camera) | MPx3dModelView | |
setCameraSet(MObject &cameraSet) | MPx3dModelView | |
setCurrentCameraSetCamera(const MString &cameraName) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDestroyOnPanelDestruction(bool how) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDisplayAxis(bool display) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDisplayAxisAtOrigin(bool display) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDisplayCameraAnnotation(bool display) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDisplayHUD(bool display) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDisplayStyle(M3dView::DisplayStyle style, bool activeOnly=false) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDoUpdateOnMove(bool value) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDrawAdornments(bool display) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDrawCameraOverride(const MMatrix &worldMatrix, const MMatrix &projectionMatrix, double left, double right, double bottom, double top, double nearpt, double farpt, bool isOrtho=false) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDrawCameraOverride(const MMatrix &worldMatrix, const MMatrix &projectionMatrix, const MPointArray &frustum) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDrawColor(unsigned int index, M3dView::ColorTable table=M3dView::kActiveColors) | MPx3dModelView | |
setDrawColor(const MColor &color) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogColor(const MColor &) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogDensity(double) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogEnabled(bool state) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogEnd(double) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogMode(MPx3dModelView::FogMode) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogSource(MPx3dModelView::FogSource) | MPx3dModelView | |
setFogStart(double) | MPx3dModelView | |
setInStereoDrawMode(bool flag) | MPx3dModelView | |
setLightingMode(MPx3dModelView::LightingMode) | MPx3dModelView | |
setMultipleDrawEnable(bool enable) | MPx3dModelView | |
setObjectDisplay(M3dView::DisplayObjects, bool) | MPx3dModelView | |
setObjectsToView(const MSelectionList &list) | MPx3dModelView | |
setTextureDisplayEnabled(bool texture) | MPx3dModelView | |
setTwoSidedLighting(bool twoSided) | MPx3dModelView | |
setUserDefinedColor(unsigned int index, const MColor &color) | MPx3dModelView | |
setViewSelected(bool viewSelected) | MPx3dModelView | |
setViewSelectedPrefix(const MString &prefix) | MPx3dModelView | |
setViewSelectedSet(const MObject &set) | MPx3dModelView | |
setWireframeOnShaded(bool on) | MPx3dModelView | |
setXrayEnabled(bool xray) | MPx3dModelView | |
templateColor(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
updateViewingParameters() | MPx3dModelView | |
userDefinedColorIndex(unsigned int index, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) | MPx3dModelView | |
viewIsFiltered(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewSelected(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewSelectedPrefix(MStatus *ReturnStatus) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewSelectedSet(MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewToObjectSpace(short x_pos, short y_pos, const MMatrix &localMatrixInverse, MPoint &oPt, MVector &oVector) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewToWorld(short x_pos, short y_pos, MPoint &worldPt, MVector &worldVector) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewToWorld(short x_pos, short y_pos, MPoint &nearClipPt, MPoint &farClipPt) const | MPx3dModelView | |
viewType() const | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
wantStereoGLBuffer() const | MPx3dModelView | virtual |
worldToView(const MPoint &worldPt, short &x_pos, short &y_pos, MStatus *ReturnStatus=NULL) const | MPx3dModelView | |
~MPx3dModelView() | MPx3dModelView | virtual |