C++ API Reference
// ==========================================================================
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// ==========================================================================
#if _MSC_VER >= 1700
#pragma warning( disable: 4005 )
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MFileObject.h>
#include <maya/MSceneMessage.h>
#include "dx11ShaderCompileHelper.h"
#include "dx11ShaderStrings.h"
// Includes for DX11
#include <d3d11.h>
#if _MSC_VER < 1700
#include <d3dx11.h>
#include <d3dx11effect.h>
// Build against the DX SDK header
#ifndef USE_BOOL
#define USE_BOOL // use BOOL instead of bool
#include <d3dcompiler.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <list>
namespace CDX11EffectCompileHelper
class CFileReferenceHelper
MString resolveFileName(const char* fileName) const;
void setReferencePath(MString fileName);
MString findFile(const char* fileName) const;
MString getSearchPaths() const;
MString referencePath;
MString CFileReferenceHelper::resolveFileName(const char* fileName) const
//Check if filename exists
MString currFileName(fileName);
MString file = findFile(currFileName.asChar());
int hasFile = file.length() > 0;
if (hasFile == 0)
// lets extract the filename and try it again...
int idx = currFileName.rindex('/');
if (idx == -1)
idx = currFileName.rindex('\\');
if (idx != -1)
currFileName = currFileName.substring(idx+1,currFileName.length()-1);
file = findFile(currFileName.asChar());
if (file.length() == 0)
MString expandedFileName(MString(fileName).expandEnvironmentVariablesAndTilde());
file = findFile(expandedFileName.asChar());
return file;
void CFileReferenceHelper::setReferencePath(MString fileName)
// split file path in filename path
// lets extract the filename and try it again...
int idx = fileName.rindex('/');
if (idx == -1)
idx = fileName.rindex('\\');
if (idx != -1)
referencePath = fileName.substring(0,idx);
MString CFileReferenceHelper::findFile(const char* fileName) const
struct stat statBuf;
MString name (fileName);
const bool fullyQualified = name.index('/') == 0 || name.index('\\') == 0 || name.index(':') == 1;
if (fullyQualified && stat(name.asChar(), &statBuf) != -1)
return name;
char path[MAX_PATH];
MString searchPaths = getSearchPaths();
const char * psearchpath = searchPaths.asChar();
// not been found using a fully qualified path.
MString resolvedName;
if(name.index('/') == 0 || name.index('\\') == 0)
resolvedName = name.substring(1, name.length() - 1);
resolvedName = name;
while (psearchpath < searchPaths.asChar() + searchPaths.length())
const char * endpath = strchr(psearchpath,';');
if (endpath)
strncpy(path,psearchpath, endpath - psearchpath);
path[endpath - psearchpath] = '\0';
psearchpath += strlen(path)+1;
bool fullPath = (path[0] == '/' || path[0] == '\\');
if (strlen(path) > 2)
fullPath = fullPath ||
(path[1] == ':' &&
(path[2] == '/' ||
path[2] == '\\'));
// Add the path and the filename together to get the full path
MString file;
if(path[strlen(path) - 1] != '/')
file = MString(path) + "/" + resolvedName;
file = MString(path) + resolvedName;
if (stat(file.asChar(), &statBuf) != -1)
return file;
return MString();
MString CFileReferenceHelper::getSearchPaths() const
// Build a list of places we'll look for textures
MString searchPaths;
// Add the standard Maya project paths
MString workspace;
MStatus status = MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("workspace -q -rd;"),workspace);
if ( status == MS::kSuccess)
searchPaths += workspace;
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += workspace;
searchPaths += "/renderData/shaders";
MString shadersRelativePath;
status = MGlobal::executeCommand(MString("workspace -fre shaders"),shadersRelativePath);
if(status== MS::kSuccess)
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += workspace;
searchPaths += shadersRelativePath;
if(referencePath.length() > 0)
if(searchPaths.length() > 0)
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += referencePath;
static char * dx11ShaderRoot = getenv("DX11SHADER_ROOT");
if (dx11ShaderRoot)
if(searchPaths.length() > 0)
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += dx11ShaderRoot;
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += dx11ShaderRoot;
searchPaths += "/shaders";
searchPaths += ";";
searchPaths += MString("${MAYA_LOCATION}/presets/HLSL11/examples").expandEnvironmentVariablesAndTilde();
return searchPaths;
class CIncludeHelper: public ID3D10Include, public CFileReferenceHelper
STDMETHOD(Open)(D3D10_INCLUDE_TYPE IncludeType, LPCSTR pFileName, LPCVOID pParentData, LPCVOID *ppData, UINT *pBytes)
MString resolvedFileName = resolveFileName(pFileName);
// Read the file content
FILE* file = fopen(resolvedFileName.asChar(), "rb");
if(file == NULL)
return E_FAIL;
// Get the file size
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
long size = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
// Get the file content
char *buffer = new char[size];
fread(buffer, 1, size, file);
// Save the file data into ppData and the size into pBytes.
*ppData = buffer;
*pBytes = UINT(size);
return S_OK;
char* pChar = (char*)pData;
delete [] pChar;
return S_OK;
D3D10_SHADER_MACRO* getD3DMacros()
static D3D10_SHADER_MACRO macros[] = { { "DIRECT3D_VERSION", "0xb00" },
{ "_MAYA_", "1"}, // similar to _3DSMAX_ and _XSI_ macros for other 3d apps
{ "MAYA_DX11", "1"},
{ NULL, NULL } };
return macros;
unsigned int getShaderCompileFlags(bool useStrictness)
unsigned int flags = 0;
#ifdef _DEBUG
// Optionally enable debugging information to be stored, without reducing performance.
// Enable strictness
// Allow for backwards compatibility
return flags;
bool effectHasHullShader(ID3DX11Effect* effect)
D3DX11_EFFECT_DESC effectDesc;
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < effectDesc.Techniques; ++i)
ID3DX11EffectTechnique* technique = effect->GetTechniqueByIndex(i);
if(technique && technique->IsValid())
D3DX11_TECHNIQUE_DESC techniqueDesc;
for(unsigned int j = 0;j < techniqueDesc.Passes;++j)
ID3DX11EffectPass* pass = technique->GetPassByIndex(j);
if(pass && pass->IsValid())
memset(&shaderDesc, 0, sizeof(D3DX11_PASS_SHADER_DESC));
HRESULT hr = pass->GetHullShaderDesc(&shaderDesc);
if(hr == S_OK && shaderDesc.pShaderVariable && shaderDesc.pShaderVariable->IsValid())
// The most recent Effect11 library will return a pointer to an empty shader
// so we need to make sure there is actual bytecode before we ask for the
// shader itself.
memset(&hullEffectDesc, 0, sizeof(D3DX11_EFFECT_SHADER_DESC));
hr = shaderDesc.pShaderVariable->GetShaderDesc(shaderDesc.ShaderIndex, &hullEffectDesc);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hullEffectDesc.BytecodeLength) // This will not work if Optimize() has been called.
ID3D11HullShader* pHullShader = NULL;
shaderDesc.pShaderVariable->GetHullShader(shaderDesc.ShaderIndex, &pHullShader);
if (pHullShader)
//Found a hull shader
return true;
return false;
bool isValidEffectFile(const MString& fileName, bool& isCompiled)
MString extension;
int idx = fileName.rindexW(L'.');
if(idx > 0)
extension = fileName.substringW( idx+1, fileName.length()-1 );
extension = extension.toLowerCase();
isCompiled = (extension == "fxo");
return (extension == "fx" || extension == "fxo");
void pushError(const MString& fileName, MString &errorLog, ID3DBlob* error)
char* pMessage = (error && error->GetBufferSize() > 0) ? (char*) error->GetBufferPointer() : NULL;
MString msg = dx11ShaderStrings::getString( dx11ShaderStrings::kErrorEffectCompile, args );
errorLog += msg;
void pushError(MString &errorLog, ID3DBlob* error)
char* pMessage = (error && error->GetBufferSize() > 0) ? (char*) error->GetBufferPointer() : NULL;
MString msg = dx11ShaderStrings::getString( dx11ShaderStrings::kErrorEffectBuffer, args );
errorLog += msg;
time_t fileTimeStamp(const MString& fileName)
struct stat statBuf;
if( stat(fileName.asChar(), &statBuf) != 0 )
return 0;
return statBuf.st_mtime;
struct EffectKey
ID3D11Device* device;
MString fileName;
time_t timeStamp;
bool operator< (const EffectKey& lhs, const EffectKey& rhs)
return (lhs.device < rhs.device) ||
(lhs.device == rhs.device && ( (lhs.timeStamp < rhs.timeStamp) ||
(lhs.timeStamp == rhs.timeStamp && strcmp(lhs.fileName.asChar(), rhs.fileName.asChar()) < 0) ) );
struct MStringSorter {
bool operator() (const MString& lhs, const MString& rhs) const
return strcmp(lhs.asChar(), rhs.asChar()) < 0;
class EffectCollection
ID3DX11Effect* acquire(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName);
ID3DX11Effect* acquire(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* reference, ID3DX11Effect* source = NULL);
void release(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3DX11Effect *effect, const MString& fileName);
void getNodesUsingEffect(const MString& fileName, ShaderNodeList &nodes) const;
ID3DX11Effect* getReferenceEffectAndFileName(ID3DX11Effect *effect, MString& fileName) const;
typedef std::map< EffectKey, ID3DX11Effect* > Key2ReferenceEffectMap;
Key2ReferenceEffectMap key2ReferenceEffectMap;
typedef std::pair< EffectKey, unsigned int > EffectKeyCountPair;
typedef std::map< ID3DX11Effect*, EffectKeyCountPair > ReferenceCountMap;
ReferenceCountMap referenceCountMap;
typedef std::map< ID3DX11Effect*, ID3DX11Effect* > Clone2ReferenceMap;
Clone2ReferenceMap clone2ReferenceMap;
// We need to keep track of dx11ShaderNodes at all times,
// even when compilation failed and we have no ID3DX11Effect
// to deal with. This will allow the "Reload" button to work
// after a shader file failed to compile.
typedef std::set< dx11ShaderNode* > NodeSet;
typedef std::map< MString, NodeSet, MStringSorter > Path2NodesMap;
Path2NodesMap path2NodesMap;
ID3DX11Effect* EffectCollection::acquire(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName)
ID3DX11Effect* effect = NULL;
EffectKey key = { device, fileName, fileTimeStamp(fileName) } ;
// Find reference in cache
Key2ReferenceEffectMap::const_iterator it = key2ReferenceEffectMap.find(key);
if(it != key2ReferenceEffectMap.end())
ID3DX11Effect* reference = it->second;
effect = acquire(node, device, fileName, reference);
return effect;
ID3DX11Effect* EffectCollection::acquire(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* reference, ID3DX11Effect* source )
// Keep track of fileName -> node lookup, whenever the effect was loaded or not
if( reference == NULL )
return NULL;
if( source == NULL)
source = reference;
// Add the reference in cache if not in yet.
EffectKey key = { device, fileName, fileTimeStamp(fileName) } ;
Key2ReferenceEffectMap::const_iterator it = key2ReferenceEffectMap.find(key);
if(it == key2ReferenceEffectMap.end()) {
key2ReferenceEffectMap.insert( std::make_pair(key, reference) );
// Clone effect
ID3DX11Effect* effect = NULL;
HRESULT hr = source->CloneEffect(0, &effect);
if( FAILED( hr ) || effect == NULL )
return NULL;
// Increase the number of clone for this reference
// Equivalent to the number of time this effect is used
ReferenceCountMap::iterator it = referenceCountMap.find(reference);
if(it == referenceCountMap.end())
// Not there yet, set count to 1 and register key
referenceCountMap.insert( std::make_pair(reference, std::make_pair(key, 1) ) );
// Already there add 1
// Keep track of clone -> reference lookup
clone2ReferenceMap.insert( std::make_pair(effect, reference) );
return effect;
void EffectCollection::release(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3DX11Effect *effect, const MString& fileName)
if (effect)
Clone2ReferenceMap::iterator it = clone2ReferenceMap.find(effect);
if(it != clone2ReferenceMap.end())
ID3DX11Effect* reference = it->second;
ReferenceCountMap::iterator it2 = referenceCountMap.find(reference);
if(it2 != referenceCountMap.end())
// This was the last clone for this reference, we can release it
if(it2->second.second == 1)
EffectKey &key = it2->second.first;
// Remove this node from the fileName -> nodes lookup
// No more not for this fileName, clear it
if (path2NodesMap[fileName].empty())
ID3DX11Effect* EffectCollection::getReferenceEffectAndFileName(ID3DX11Effect *effect, MString& fileName) const
ID3DX11Effect* reference = NULL;
Clone2ReferenceMap::const_iterator it = clone2ReferenceMap.find(effect);
if(it != clone2ReferenceMap.end())
reference = it->second;
Key2ReferenceEffectMap::const_iterator it2 = key2ReferenceEffectMap.begin();
Key2ReferenceEffectMap::const_iterator it2End = key2ReferenceEffectMap.end();
for(; it2 != it2End; ++it2)
if(it2->second == reference)
fileName = it2->first.fileName;
return reference;
void EffectCollection::getNodesUsingEffect(const MString& fileName, ShaderNodeList &nodes) const
Path2NodesMap::const_iterator itNodeSet = path2NodesMap.find(fileName);
if (itNodeSet != path2NodesMap.end())
const NodeSet& nodeSet = itNodeSet->second;
for (NodeSet::const_iterator itNode = nodeSet.begin(); itNode != nodeSet.end(); ++itNode)
static EffectCollection gEffectCollection;
class CompiledEffectCache {
// Very basic LRU cache for effect files:
static CompiledEffectCache* get();
ID3DX11Effect* find( ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName );
void add(ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effect );
struct CacheData {
CacheData(ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effect, int firstAccess);
ID3D11Device* mDevice;
MString mFileName;
time_t mTimeStamp;
ID3DX11Effect* mEffect;
int mLastAccess;
CacheData(const CacheData&);
const CacheData& operator=(const CacheData&);
std::list<CacheData*> mCached;
int mAccessClock;
static const size_t kCacheSize = 8;
MCallbackId mExitCallback;
MCallbackId mFileNewCallback;
static void flushCache( void *data);
static CompiledEffectCache* sCachePtr;
CompiledEffectCache::CacheData::CacheData(ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effect, int firstAccess)
: mDevice(device)
, mFileName(fileName)
, mEffect(NULL)
, mLastAccess(firstAccess)
if (effect)
effect->CloneEffect(0, &mEffect);
mTimeStamp = fileTimeStamp(fileName);
if (mEffect)
CompiledEffectCache::CompiledEffectCache() : mAccessClock(0) {
mExitCallback = MSceneMessage::addCallback(MSceneMessage::kMayaExiting, CompiledEffectCache::flushCache );
mFileNewCallback = MSceneMessage::addCallback(MSceneMessage::kBeforeNew, CompiledEffectCache::flushCache );
std::list<CacheData*>::iterator itCache = mCached.begin();
for ( ; itCache != mCached.end(); ++itCache )
delete *itCache;
MSceneMessage::removeCallback( mFileNewCallback );
void CompiledEffectCache::flushCache( void *data)
delete sCachePtr;
sCachePtr = NULL;
CompiledEffectCache* CompiledEffectCache::get()
if (!sCachePtr)
sCachePtr = new CompiledEffectCache();
return sCachePtr;
CompiledEffectCache* CompiledEffectCache::sCachePtr = NULL;
ID3DX11Effect* CompiledEffectCache::find( ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName )
ID3DX11Effect* effect = NULL;
// For small caches, a linear search is fine.
std::list<CacheData*>::iterator itCache = mCached.begin();
for ( ; itCache != mCached.end(); ++itCache )
CompiledEffectCache::CacheData *cacheItem(*itCache);
if ( cacheItem->mDevice == device &&
cacheItem->mFileName == fileName &&
cacheItem->mTimeStamp == fileTimeStamp(fileName) )
cacheItem->mLastAccess = ++mAccessClock;
cacheItem->mEffect->CloneEffect(0, &effect);
return effect;
void CompiledEffectCache::add(ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effect )
if (mCached.size() > kCacheSize)
std::list<CacheData*>::iterator itCache = mCached.begin();
std::list<CacheData*>::iterator oldestItem = itCache;
for ( ; itCache != mCached.end(); ++itCache )
if ( (*itCache)->mLastAccess < (*oldestItem)->mLastAccess )
oldestItem = itCache;
CacheData* oldData(*oldestItem);
delete oldData;
CacheData* newData(new CacheData(device, fileName, effect, ++mAccessClock));
if (newData->mEffect)
mCached.push_back( newData );
delete newData;
Remove effect from collection and also remove reference if it was the last effect corresponding to file path.
void CDX11EffectCompileHelper::releaseEffect(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3DX11Effect* effect, const MString& fileName)
MString resolvedFileName = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::resolveShaderFileName(fileName);
gEffectCollection.release(node, effect, resolvedFileName);
Get the absolute file path
MString CDX11EffectCompileHelper::resolveShaderFileName(const MString& fileName, bool* fileExists)
MString resolvedFileName = fileName;
// If the fileName is absolute, no resolve needed, we keep the original full path
if( MFileObject::isAbsolutePath(fileName) == false )
CIncludeHelper includeHelper;
resolvedFileName = includeHelper.resolveFileName(fileName.asChar());
if( fileExists != NULL )
file.setRawFullName( resolvedFileName );
*fileExists = file.exists();
return resolvedFileName;
Load and compile a text shader file.
- The shader is first searched in the collection, if a match is found a clone is returned
and automatically added to the collection.
- Else it's searched in the LRU, if found it will be cloned and added to the collection.
- Finally if no match is found, the shader file is loaded and compiled,
and the effect is added to the collection as reference.
ID3DX11Effect* CDX11EffectCompileHelper::build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, MString &errorLog, bool useStrictness)
bool fileExits = false;
MString resolvedFileName = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::resolveShaderFileName(fileName, &fileExits);
if(fileExits == false)
MString msg = dx11ShaderStrings::getString( dx11ShaderStrings::kErrorFileNotFound, resolvedFileName );
errorLog += msg;
return NULL;
bool compiledEffect = false;
if( isValidEffectFile(resolvedFileName, compiledEffect) == false )
MString msg = dx11ShaderStrings::getString( dx11ShaderStrings::kErrorInvalidEffectFile, resolvedFileName );
errorLog += msg;
return NULL;
// Acquire effect from collection if it was already loaded once and will return a clone
ID3DX11Effect *effect = gEffectCollection.acquire(node, device, resolvedFileName);
if( effect == NULL ) {
effect = CompiledEffectCache::get()->find(device, resolvedFileName);
if( effect == NULL ) {
if( resolvedFileName != fileName && MFileObject::isAbsolutePath(fileName) )
MString msg = dx11ShaderStrings::getString( dx11ShaderStrings::kErrorAbsolutePathNotFound, args );
errorLog += msg;
CIncludeHelper includeHelper;
ID3DBlob *shader = NULL;
ID3DBlob *error = NULL;
if( compiledEffect )
FILE* file = fopen(resolvedFileName.asChar(), "rb");
// Get the file size
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
long size = ftell(file);
fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
// Get the file content
hr = D3DCreateBlob(size, &shader);
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) )
fread(shader->GetBufferPointer(), 1, size, file);
unsigned int compileFlags = getShaderCompileFlags(useStrictness);
D3D10_SHADER_MACRO* macros = getD3DMacros();
#if _MSC_VER < 1700
hr = D3DX11CompileFromFile(resolvedFileName.asChar(), macros, &includeHelper, NULL, /*MSG0*/"fx_5_0", compileFlags, 0, NULL, &shader, &error, NULL);
hr = D3DCompileFromFile(resolvedFileName.asWChar(), macros, &includeHelper, NULL, /*MSG0*/"fx_5_0", compileFlags, 0, &shader, &error);
if( FAILED( hr ) || shader == NULL )
pushError(fileName, errorLog, error);
else if( shader )
hr = D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory(shader->GetBufferPointer(), shader->GetBufferSize(), 0, device, &effect);
if( FAILED( hr ) || effect == NULL )
pushError(fileName, errorLog, error);
if( shader ) {
if( compiledEffect == false && useStrictness == false && effect != NULL && effectHasHullShader(effect) ) {
// if the effect has a hull shader we need to recompile it
// with strict flag otherwise it won't support the tesselation properly :
// for example, the geometry may not be visible
effect = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::build(node, device, fileName, errorLog, true /*useStrictness*/);
// return now, skip the add to cache, already done in build()
return effect;
// Effect was compiled,
// Add it to LRU cache
CompiledEffectCache::get()->add(device, resolvedFileName, effect);
} // CompiledEffectCache::get()
// The effect was either found in the CompiledEffectCache or compiled,
// Acquire effect from collection, will register the compiled effect as reference and will return a clone
effect = gEffectCollection.acquire(node, device, resolvedFileName, effect);
} // gEffectCollection.acquire()
return effect;
During a duplicate, we already have an effect to use as reference.
The source effect will be cloned, and the result added to the cache.
ID3DX11Effect* CDX11EffectCompileHelper::build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const MString& fileName, ID3DX11Effect* effectSource, MString &errorLog)
MString resolvedFileName = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::resolveShaderFileName(fileName);
ID3DX11Effect *effect = NULL;
// Find effectSource in collection
// Will gives us the original reference effect for this effect and the resolved fileName.
MString referenceResolvedFileName;
ID3DX11Effect *reference = gEffectCollection.getReferenceEffectAndFileName(effectSource, referenceResolvedFileName);
if(reference != NULL && resolvedFileName == referenceResolvedFileName)
// Acquire effect from collection
effect = gEffectCollection.acquire(node, device, resolvedFileName, reference, effectSource);
return effect;
Load a precompiled effect.
The effect is not stored in any cache, as the loading of a compiled effect is already fast enough.
ID3DX11Effect* CDX11EffectCompileHelper::build(dx11ShaderNode* node, ID3D11Device* device, const void* buffer, unsigned int dataSize, MString &errorLog, bool useStrictness)
unsigned int compileFlags = getShaderCompileFlags(useStrictness);
D3D10_SHADER_MACRO* macros = getD3DMacros();
CIncludeHelper includeHelper;
ID3DX11Effect *effect = NULL;
ID3DBlob *shader = NULL;
ID3DBlob *error = NULL;
#if _MSC_VER < 1700
hr = D3DX11CompileFromMemory((char*)buffer, dataSize, NULL, macros, &includeHelper, "", "fx_5_0", compileFlags, 0, NULL, &shader, &error, NULL);
hr = D3DCompile((char*)buffer, dataSize, NULL, macros, &includeHelper, "", "fx_5_0", compileFlags, 0, &shader, &error);
if( FAILED( hr ) || shader == NULL )
pushError(errorLog, error);
else if( shader )
hr = D3DX11CreateEffectFromMemory(shader->GetBufferPointer(), shader->GetBufferSize(), 0, device, &effect);
if( FAILED( hr ) || effect == NULL )
pushError(errorLog, error);
if( shader ) {
if( useStrictness == false && effect != NULL && effectHasHullShader(effect) ) {
// if the effect has a hull shader we need to recompile it
// with strict flag otherwise it won't support the tesselation properly :
// for example, the geometry may not be visible
effect = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::build(node, device, buffer, dataSize, errorLog, true /*useStrictness*/);
return effect;
Get all the nodes that use the specified file shader.
The collection keeps track of which shader is used by which nodes.
void CDX11EffectCompileHelper::getNodesUsingEffect(const MString& fileName, ShaderNodeList &nodes)
MString resolvedFileName = CDX11EffectCompileHelper::resolveShaderFileName(fileName);
gEffectCollection.getNodesUsingEffect(resolvedFileName, nodes);