C++ API Reference
#include "dx11ShaderSemantics.h"
namespace dx11ShaderSemantic
const char* kUndefined = "Undefined";
const char* kWorld = "World";
const char* kWorldTranspose = "WorldTranspose";
const char* kWorldInverse = "WorldInverse";
const char* kWorldInverseTranspose = "WorldInverseTranspose";
const char* kView = "View";
const char* kViewTranspose = "ViewTranspose";
const char* kViewInverse = "ViewInverse";
const char* kViewInverseTranspose = "ViewInverseTranspose";
const char* kProjection = "Projection";
const char* kProjectionTranspose = "ProjectionTranspose";
const char* kProjectionInverse = "ProjectionInverse";
const char* kProjectionInverseTranspose = "ProjectionInverseTranspose";
const char* kWorldView = "WorldView";
const char* kWorldViewTranspose = "WorldViewTranspose";
const char* kWorldViewInverse = "WorldViewInverse";
const char* kWorldViewInverseTranspose = "WorldViewInverseTranspose";
const char* kViewProjection = "ViewProjection";
const char* kViewProjectionTranspose = "ViewProjectionTranspose";
const char* kViewProjectionInverse = "ViewProjectionInverse";
const char* kViewProjectionInverseTranspose = "ViewProjectionInverseTranspose";
const char* kWorldViewProjection = "WorldViewProjection";
const char* kWorldViewProjectionTranspose = "WorldViewProjectionTranspose";
const char* kWorldViewProjectionInverse = "WorldViewProjectionInverse";
const char* kWorldViewProjectionInverseTranspose = "WorldViewProjectionInverseTranspose";
const char* kViewDirection = "ViewDirection";
const char* kViewPosition = "ViewPosition";
const char* kLocalViewer = "LocalViewer";
const char* kViewportPixelSize = "ViewportPixelSize";
const char* kBackgroundColor = "BackgroundColor";
const char* kFrame = "Frame";
const char* kFrameNumber = "FrameNumber";
const char* kAnimationTime = "AnimationTime";
const char* kTime = "Time";
const char* kNearClipPlane = "NearClipPlane";
const char* kFarClipPlane = "FarClipPlane";
const char* kColor = "Color";
const char* kLightColor = "LightColor";
const char* kAmbient = "Ambient";
const char* kLightAmbientColor = "LightAmbientColor";
const char* kSpecular = "Specular";
const char* kLightSpecularColor = "LightSpecularColor";
const char* kDiffuse = "Diffuse";
const char* kLightDiffuseColor = "LightDiffuseColor";
const char* kNormal = "Normal";
const char* kBump = "Bump";
const char* kEnvironment = "Environment";
const char* kPosition = "Position";
const char* kAreaPosition0 = "AreaPosition0";
const char* kAreaPosition1 = "AreaPosition1";
const char* kAreaPosition2 = "AreaPosition2";
const char* kAreaPosition3 = "AreaPosition3";
const char* kDirection = "Direction";
const char* kTexCoord = "TexCoord";
const char* kTangent = "Tangent";
const char* kBinormal = "Binormal";
const char* kShadowMap = "ShadowMap";
const char* kShadowColor = "ShadowColor";
const char* kShadowFlag = "ShadowFlag";
const char* kShadowMapBias = "ShadowMapBias";
const char* kShadowMapMatrix = "ShadowMapMatrix";
const char* kShadowMapXForm = "ShadowMapXForm";
const char* kStandardsGlobal = "StandardsGlobal";
// Used to determine the type of a light parameter
const char* kLightEnable = "LightEnable";
const char* kLightIntensity = "LightIntensity";
const char* kLightFalloff = "LightFalloff";
const char* kFalloff = "Falloff";
const char* kHotspot = "Hotspot";
const char* kLightType = "LightType";
const char* kDecayRate = "DecayRate";
const char* kLightRange = "LightRange";
const char* kLightAttenuation0 = "LightAttenuation0";
const char* kLightAttenuation1 = "LightAttenuation1";
const char* kLightAttenuation2 = "LightAttenuation2";
const char* kLightTheta = "LightTheta";
const char* kLightPhi = "LightPhi";
const char* kTranspDepthTexture = "transpdepthtexture";
const char* kOpaqueDepthTexture = "opaquedepthtexture";
// Used to determine the type of fog parameter
const char* kHwFogEnabled = "HardwareFogEnabled";
const char* kHwFogMode = "HardwareFogMode";
const char* kHwFogStart = "HardwareFogStart";
const char* kHwFogEnd = "HardwareFogEnd";
const char* kHwFogDensity = "HardwareFogDensity";
const char* kHwFogColor = "HardwareFogColor";
// Hw selection
const char* kHwSelectionPrimitiveBase = "HWS_PrimitiveBase";
const char* kHwSelectionPrimitiveCountPerInstance = "HWS_PrimitiveCountPerInstance";
const char* kHwSelectionObjectLevel = "HWS_ObjectLevel";
const char* kHwSelectionFaceLevel = "HWS_FaceLevel";
const char* kHwSelectionEdgeLevel = "HWS_EdgeLevel";
const char* kHwSelectionVertexLevel = "HWS_VertexLevel";
const char* kHwSelectionOccluder = "HWS_Occluder";
const char* kHwSelectionFrontCCW = "HWS_FrontCCW";
const char* kHwSelectionInstancedDraw = "HWS_InstancedDraw";
const char* kHwSelectionHighlighting = "HWS_Highlighting";
// Maya custom semantics
// Define a boolean parameter to flag for swatch rendering
const char* kMayaSwatchRender = "MayaSwatchRender";
// Define a float parameter to use to control the bounding box extra scale
const char* kBboxExtraScale = "BoundingBoxExtraScale";
// Define a float parameter to use to check for transparency flag
// Used in collaboration with the kIsTransparent annotation
const char* kOpacity = "Opacity";
// Define a boolean parameter for full screen gamma correction
const char* kMayaGammaCorrection = "MayaGammaCorrection";
namespace dx11ShaderAnnotation
// Used to groups multiple parameters in a single
// collapsible panel in the attribute editor.
const char* kUIGroup = "UIGroup";
// Used for the short/long/nice name of a parameter
// in the attribute editor.
const char* kUIName = "UIName";
// Used to populate a dropdown menu when a
// parameter is shown in the attribute editor.
const char* kUIFieldNames = "UIFieldNames";
// Used to make sure all parameters appear in a predictable
// sequence in the attribute editor.
const char* kUIOrder = "UIOrder";
// These annotations control the visibility of a paramerer in the
// attribute editor.
const char* kSasUiVisible = "SasUiVisible";
const char* kUIType = "UIType";
const char* kUIWidget = "UIWidget";
// These annotations control the numeric range of a slider.
const char* kSasUiMin = "SasUiMin";
const char* kUIMin = "UIMin";
const char* kuimin = "uimin";
const char* kSasUiMax = "SasUiMax";
const char* kUIMax = "UIMax";
const char* kuimax = "uimax";
const char* kSasUiSoftMin = "SasUiSoftMin";
const char* kUISoftMin = "UISoftMin";
const char* kuisoftmin = "uisoftmin";
const char* kSasUiSoftMax = "SasUiSoftMax";
const char* kUISoftMax = "UISoftMax";
const char* kuisoftmax = "uisoftmax";
// These annotations are used to get the default file to assign to
// a texture resource.
const char* kResourceName = "ResourceName";
const char* kSasResourceAddress = "SasResourceAddress";
// These annotations are used to determine the type of a
// a texture resource.
const char* kTextureType = "TextureType";
const char* kResourceType = "ResourceType";
// Used to convert from DX to Maya space
const char* kSpace = "Space";
// Used to determine the semantic of a parameter
const char* kSasBindAddress = "SasBindAddress";
const char* kSasUiControl = "SasUiControl";
// Used to determine the light type of a parameter
const char* kObject = "Object";
// Maya custom annotations
// Technique annotations
// Define the required index buffer generator to use for the technique
const char* kIndexBufferType = "index_buffer_type";
// Define the mipmap levels to load/generate for textures used by the technique
const char* kTextureMipmaplevels = "texture_mipmaplevels";
// Define if the technique should follow the Maya transparent object rendering or is self-managed (multi-passes)
const char* kOverridesDrawState = "overridesDrawState";
// Define how the technique handles transparency
const char* kIsTransparent = "isTransparent";
// Describe a condition that will be converted to a MEL procedure
const char* kTransparencyTest = "transparencyTest";
// Describe whether the technique supports advanced transparency.
const char* kSupportsAdvancedTransparency = "supportsAdvancedTransparency";
// Describe whether the technique overrides non material items.
const char* kOverridesNonMaterialItems = "overridesNonMaterialItems";
// Describe whether the technique allows consolidaton.
const char* kHandlesConsolidatedGeometry = "handlesConsolidatedGeometry";
// Texture annotations
// Define the mipmap levels to load/generate for the texture
const char* kMipmaplevels = "mipmaplevels";
// Allow the shader writer to force the variable name to become the attribute name, even if UIName annotation is used
const char* kVariableNameAsAttributeName = "VariableNameAsAttributeName";
// Pass annotations
const char* kDrawContext = "drawContext";
const char* kNonMaterialItemsPass = "nonMaterialItemsPass";
const char* kPrimitiveFilter = "primitiveFilter";
namespace dx11ShaderSemanticValue
// Custom semantic values used by the customPrimitiveGenerator plugin
const char* kCustomPrimitiveTest = "customPrimitiveTest";
const char* kCustomPositionStream = "customPositionStream";
const char* kCustomNormalStream = "customNormalStream";
namespace dx11ShaderAnnotationValue
const char* kNone = "None";
const char* kTrue = "True";
// Supported values for kTextureType and kResourceType annotations.
const char* k1D = "1D";
const char* k2D = "2D";
const char* k3D = "3D";
const char* kCube = "Cube";
// Supported values for the kSpace annotation
const char* kObject = "Object";
const char* kWorld = "World";
const char* kView = "View";
const char* kCamera = "Camera";
// Supported values for the kSasBindAddress annotation
const char* kSas_Skeleton_MeshToJointToWorld_0_ = "Sas.Skeleton.MeshToJointToWorld[0]";
const char* kSas_Camera_WorldToView = "Sas.Camera.WorldToView";
const char* kSas_Camera_Projection = "Sas.Camera.Projection";
const char* kSas_Time_Now = "Sas.Time.Now";
const char* k_Position = ".Position";
const char* k_Direction = ".Direction";
const char* k_Directional = ".Directional";
// Supported value for the kSasUiControl annotation
const char* kColorPicker = "ColorPicker";
// Used to try to determine an unknown semantic
const char* kPosition = "Position";
const char* kDirection = "Direction";
const char* kColor = "Color";
const char* kColour = "Colour";
const char* kDiffuse = "Diffuse";
const char* kSpecular = "Specular";
const char* kAmbient = "Ambient";
// Supported values for the kObject annotation
const char* kLight = "Light";
const char* kLamp = "Lamp";
const char* kPoint = "Point";
const char* kSpot = "Spot";
const char* kDirectional = "Directional";
// Supported value for kPrimitiveFilter annotation
const char* kFatLine = "fatLine";
const char* kFatPoint = "fatPoint";
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.