C++ API Reference
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
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// fluidInfoCmd
// Demonstrates the use of the MFnFluid class for retrieving
// fluid information. The resolution, size and data methods
// are printed to the script editor, followed by grid data for
// those fluid attributes with grids. If $maxVoxelsToPrint
// is not specified, it will print all of them. This might take
// a VERY long time.
// Syntax:
// fluidInfo $fluidNodeName $maxVoxelsToPrint;
// Example:
// fluidInfo fluidShape2 10;
// fluidInfo fluidShape2;
#include <assert.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MVector.h>
#include <maya/MVectorArray.h>
#include <maya/MFloatMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MArgList.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MFnDependencyNode.h>
#include <maya/MDagPath.h>
#include <maya/MItDag.h>
#include <maya/MSelectionList.h>
#include <maya/MPlug.h>
#include <maya/MPlugArray.h>
#include <maya/MPxCommand.h>
#include <maya/MFnDagNode.h>
#include <maya/MFnFluid.h>
#include <maya/MFnPlugin.h>
#define mCommandName "fluidInfo" // Command name
class fluidInfoCmd : public MPxCommand
virtual ~fluidInfoCmd();
virtual MStatus doIt ( const MArgList& args );
static void* creator();
static MStatus nodeFromName(MString name, MObject & obj);
MStatus fluidMethodName(MFnFluid::FluidMethod method, char *methodStr);
MStatus colorMethodName(MFnFluid::ColorMethod method, char *methodStr);
MStatus coordMethodName(MFnFluid::CoordinateMethod method, char *methodStr);
MStatus falloffMethodName(MFnFluid::FalloffMethod method, char *methodStr);
MStatus fluidGradientName(MFnFluid::FluidGradient gradient, char *gradientStr);
MStatus parseArgs ( const MArgList& args );
MString fluidName;
MObject fluidNode;
int requestedVoxels;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::nodeFromName(MString name, MObject & obj)
MSelectionList tempList;
tempList.add( name );
if ( tempList.length() > 0 )
tempList.getDependNode( 0, obj );
return MS::kSuccess;
return MS::kFailure;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::fluidMethodName(MFnFluid::FluidMethod method, char *methodStr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
if(!methodStr) {
stat = MS::kFailure;
} else {
switch( method )
strcpy(methodStr, "Zero");
strcpy(methodStr, "Static Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Dynamic Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Gradient");
strcpy(methodStr, "Garbage");
return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::falloffMethodName(MFnFluid::FalloffMethod method, char *methodStr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
if(!methodStr) {
stat = MS::kFailure;
} else {
switch( method )
strcpy(methodStr, "No Falloff Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Static Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Garbage");
return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::colorMethodName(MFnFluid::ColorMethod method, char *methodStr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
if(!methodStr) {
stat = MS::kFailure;
} else {
switch( method )
strcpy(methodStr, "Shading Color");
strcpy(methodStr, "Static Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Dynamic Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Garbage");
return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::coordMethodName(MFnFluid::CoordinateMethod method, char *methodStr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
if(!methodStr) {
stat = MS::kFailure;
} else {
switch( method )
strcpy(methodStr, "Fixed");
strcpy(methodStr, "Grid");
strcpy(methodStr, "Garbage");
return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::fluidGradientName(MFnFluid::FluidGradient gradient, char *gradientStr)
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
if(!gradientStr) {
stat = MS::kFailure;
} else {
switch( gradient )
strcpy(gradientStr, " Constant");
strcpy(gradientStr, "X Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Y Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Z Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Negative X Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Negative Y Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Negative Z Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Center Gradient");
strcpy(gradientStr, "Garbage");
return stat;
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::parseArgs( const MArgList& args )
// Parse the arguments.
MStatus stat = MS::kSuccess;
// some defaults for the number of voxels we might want to print
requestedVoxels = -1;
if( args.length() < 1 )
MGlobal::displayError( "Missing fluid node name argument." );
return MS::kFailure;
else if( args.length() > 2 )
MGlobal::displayError( "Too many arguments." );
return MS::kFailure;
fluidName = args.asString( 0, &stat );
if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse fluid node name argument." );
return MS::kFailure;
if(args.length() == 1) {
// assume that the user wants to print all the voxels
// they probably won't do this more than once
requestedVoxels = -1;
} else {
requestedVoxels = args.asInt( 1, &stat );
if (stat != MS::kSuccess)
MGlobal::displayError( "Failed to parse num voxels to pribt argument." );
return MS::kFailure;
nodeFromName( fluidName, fluidNode );
if( fluidNode.isNull() )
MGlobal::displayError( "There is no fluid node with the given name." );
return MS::kFailure;
if( ! fluidNode.hasFn( MFn::kFluid ) )
MGlobal::displayError( "The named node is not a fluid." );
return MS::kFailure;
return MS::kSuccess;
// Main routine
MStatus fluidInfoCmd::doIt( const MArgList& args )
MStatus stat = parseArgs( args );
if( stat != MS::kSuccess )
return stat;
MFnFluid fluffy( fluidNode );
unsigned Xres, Yres, Zres;
fluffy.getResolution(Xres, Yres, Zres);
double Xdim, Ydim, Zdim;
fluffy.getDimensions(Xdim, Ydim, Zdim);
char buffer[256];
// first, the basic facts about the fluid
sprintf( buffer, "Fluid: %s", fluidName.asChar());
sprintf( buffer, "resolution %u %u %u", Xres, Yres, Zres );
sprintf( buffer, "dimensions %g %g %g\n", Xdim, Ydim, Zdim );
// now lets see how many voxels we want to print
// definitely not more than the number of voxels
int numPrintVoxels = requestedVoxels;
if(requestedVoxels < 0 || requestedVoxels > (int)fluffy.gridSize()) {
numPrintVoxels = fluffy.gridSize();
// get the object space position of the first voxel/
MPoint centerPt;
fluffy.voxelCenterPosition(0, 0, 0, centerPt);
sprintf( buffer, "first voxel pos %g %g %g", centerPt.x, centerPt.y, centerPt.z );
// Print Density information
char methodName[32];
char gradientName[32];
fluffy.getDensityMode(method, gradient);
fluidMethodName(method, methodName);
fluidGradientName(gradient, gradientName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kGradient)
sprintf( buffer, "Density method: %s type: %s", methodName, gradientName);
sprintf( buffer, "Density method: %s ", methodName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kStaticGrid || method == MFnFluid::kDynamicGrid) {
float *densityGrid = fluffy.density();
if(densityGrid != NULL) {
sprintf( buffer, "Density grid contents:");
int xi, yi, zi;
for(int i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] density: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, densityGrid[i]);
// Print Temperature information
fluffy.getTemperatureMode(method, gradient);
fluidMethodName(method, methodName);
fluidGradientName(gradient, gradientName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kGradient)
sprintf( buffer, "Temperature method: %s type: %s", methodName, gradientName);
sprintf( buffer, "Temperature method: %s ", methodName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kStaticGrid || method == MFnFluid::kDynamicGrid) {
float *tempGrid = fluffy.temperature();
if(tempGrid != NULL) {
sprintf( buffer, "Tempereature grid contents:");
int xi, yi, zi;
for(int i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] temperature: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, tempGrid[i]);
// Print Fuel information
fluffy.getFuelMode(method, gradient);
fluidMethodName(method, methodName);
fluidGradientName(gradient, gradientName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kGradient)
sprintf( buffer, "Fuel method: %s type: %s", methodName, gradientName);
sprintf( buffer, "Fuel method: %s ", methodName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kStaticGrid || method == MFnFluid::kDynamicGrid) {
float *fuelGrid = fluffy.fuel();
if(fuelGrid != NULL) {
sprintf( buffer, "Fuel grid contents:");
int xi, yi, zi;
for(int i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] fuel: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, fuelGrid[i]);
// Print Velocity information
// Note the difference in the velocity grid sizes
fluffy.getVelocityMode(method, gradient);
fluidMethodName(method, methodName);
fluidGradientName(gradient, gradientName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kGradient)
sprintf( buffer, "Velocity method: %s type: %s", methodName, gradientName);
sprintf( buffer, "Velocity method: %s ", methodName);
if(method == MFnFluid::kStaticGrid || method == MFnFluid::kDynamicGrid) {
float *xvelGrid;
float *yvelGrid;
float *zvelGrid;
fluffy.getVelocity(xvelGrid, yvelGrid, zvelGrid);
if(xvelGrid && yvelGrid && zvelGrid) {
int i;
int xi, yi, zi;
float xvel, yvel, zvel;
// print out the X velocity grid, with its own grid indices
int xvSize, yvSize, zvSize;
fluffy.velocityGridSizes(xvSize, yvSize, zvSize);
int numXvelVoxels = requestedVoxels;
if(requestedVoxels < 0 || requestedVoxels > xvSize) {
numXvelVoxels = xvSize;
sprintf( buffer, "X velocity grid contents:");
for(i = 0; i < numXvelVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, Xres+1, Yres, Zres, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel face: [%d %d %d] x velocity: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, xvelGrid[i]);
// print out the average velocity at the voxel centers
sprintf( buffer, "Voxel Center Velocity:");
int viLow, viHigh;
for(i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
viLow = fluffy.index(xi, yi, zi, Xres+1, Yres, Zres);
viHigh = fluffy.index(xi+1, yi, zi, Xres+1, Yres, Zres);
xvel = (xvelGrid[viHigh] + xvelGrid[viLow])/2.0f;
viLow = fluffy.index(xi, yi, zi, Xres, Yres+1, Zres);
viHigh = fluffy.index(xi, yi+1, zi, Xres, Yres+1, Zres);
yvel = (yvelGrid[viHigh] + yvelGrid[viLow])/2.0f;
viLow = fluffy.index(xi, yi, zi, Xres, Yres, Zres+1);
viHigh = fluffy.index(xi, yi, zi+1, Xres, Yres, Zres+1);
zvel = (zvelGrid[viHigh] + zvelGrid[viLow])/2.0f;
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] velocity: (%g, %g, %g)", i, xi, yi, zi, xvel, yvel, zvel);
float *pressureGrid = fluffy.pressure();
if(pressureGrid != NULL) {
sprintf( buffer, "Pressure grid contents:");
int xi, yi, zi;
for(int i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] pressure: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, pressureGrid[i]);
// Print Texture Coordinate information
coordMethodName(coordMethod, methodName);
sprintf( buffer, "Coordinate method: %s ", methodName);
if(coordMethod == MFnFluid::kGrid) {
float *uGrid;
float *vGrid;
float *wGrid;
fluffy.getCoordinates(uGrid, vGrid, wGrid);
if(uGrid && vGrid && wGrid) {
int xi, yi, zi;
// print out the 3D texture coordinates
int i;
sprintf( buffer, "Tex Coord grid contents:");
for(i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] uvw: (%g, %g, %g)", i, xi, yi, zi, uGrid[i], vGrid[i], wGrid[i]);
else if(uGrid && vGrid && (Zres == 1)) {
int xi, yi, zi;
// this is a 2D fluid and there are only 2D texture coordinates
int i;
sprintf( buffer, "Tex Coord grid contents:");
for(i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] uv: (%g, %g)", i, xi, yi, zi, uGrid[i], vGrid[i]);
// Print Color information
colorMethodName(colorMethod, methodName);
sprintf( buffer, "Color method: %s ", methodName);
if(colorMethod != MFnFluid::kUseShadingColor) {
float *rGrid;
float *gGrid;
float *bGrid;
fluffy.getColors(rGrid, gGrid, bGrid);
if(rGrid && gGrid && bGrid) {
int xi, yi, zi;
int i;
sprintf( buffer, "Color grid contents:");
for(i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] color: (%g, %g, %g)", i, xi, yi, zi, rGrid[i], gGrid[i], bGrid[i]);
// Print Falloff information
MFnFluid::FalloffMethod falloffMethod;
falloffMethodName(falloffMethod, methodName);
sprintf( buffer, "Falloff method: %s ", methodName);
if(falloffMethod == MFnFluid::kNoFalloffGrid ) {
float *falloffGrid = fluffy.falloff();
if(falloffGrid != NULL) {
sprintf( buffer, "Falloff grid contents:");
int xi, yi, zi;
for(int i = 0; i < numPrintVoxels; i++) {
fluffy.index(i, xi, yi, zi);
sprintf(buffer, "index: %d voxel: [%d %d %d] falloff: %g", i, xi, yi, zi, falloffGrid[i]);
return MS::kSuccess;
void * fluidInfoCmd::creator() { return new fluidInfoCmd(); }
MStatus initializePlugin( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin plugin( obj, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "6.0", "Any");
MStatus status = plugin.registerCommand(mCommandName,
fluidInfoCmd::creator );
if (!status)
return status;
MStatus uninitializePlugin( MObject obj )
MFnPlugin plugin( obj );
MStatus status = plugin.deregisterCommand(mCommandName);
if (!status)
return status;