C++ API Reference
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// File Name: geometryCacheBlockBase.cpp
// Description :
// A base class used for storing and outputing a cache block tag and data.
// Project includes
#include "geometryCacheBlockBase.h"
// Maya includes
#include <maya/MIffTag.h>
#include <iostream>
// Methods
// Description : ( public method )
// Constructor
blockTag = "";
group = false;
geometryCacheBlockBase::geometryCacheBlockBase( const MString& tag )
: blockTag(tag)
// Description : ( public method )
// Overloaded Constructor
if( tag == "CACH" ||
tag == "/CACH" ||
tag == "MYCH" ||
tag == "/MYCH" )
group = true;
group = false;
// Description : ( public method )
// Destructor
const bool& geometryCacheBlockBase::isGroup()
// Description : ( public method )
// Returns a boolean that indicates if this block is a group block.
return group;
const MString& geometryCacheBlockBase::tag()
// Description : ( public method )
// Returns the block tag as an MString
return blockTag;
void geometryCacheBlockBase::outputToAscii( std::ostream& os )
// Description : ( public method )
// Outputs the data of this block to Ascii
MString tabs = "";
if( !group )
tabs = "\t";
os << tabs << "[" << blockTag << "]\n";