C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include "gpuCacheConfig.h"
#include "gpuCacheVramQuery.h"
#include <maya/MString.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits>
// On Windows, the max macro conflicts with
// std::numeric_limits<T>::max().
#ifdef max
#undef max
namespace {
using namespace GPUCache;
bool expandEnv(MString& expandedEnv, const MString& env)
const MString envQuery = MString("$") + env;
expandedEnv = envQuery.expandEnvironmentVariablesAndTilde();
return expandedEnv != envQuery;
size_t getVP2OverrideAPIDefault()
// Default value
MString vp2OverrideEnv;
if (expandEnv(vp2OverrideEnv, "MAYA_GPUCACHE_VP2_OVERRIDE_API")) {
if (vp2OverrideEnv == "MPxDrawOverride") {
return Config::kMPxDrawOverride;
else if (vp2OverrideEnv == "MPxSubSceneOverride") {
return Config::kMPxSubSceneOverride;
else {
printf("MAYA_GPUCACHE_VP2_OVERRIDE_API is set but it is neither "
"MPxDrawOverride nor MPxSubSceneOverride. "
"Using MPxSubSceneOverride instead.\n");
return Config::kMPxSubSceneOverride;
return Config::kMPxSubSceneOverride;
bool getIgnoreUVsDefault()
// Default value
bool result = 1;
return result;
size_t getMinVertsForVBOsDefault()
// Default value
// FIXME: No serious tuning regarding the optimal value of this
// value has been performed upto now!
size_t result = 128;
return result;
size_t getMaxVBOCountDefault()
// Default value
// FIXME: No serious tuning regarding the optimal value of this
// value has been performed up to now!
#ifdef __APPLE__
// The GPU memory manager on Mac seems to become completely
// overloaded when we allocate to many buffers.
const size_t defVal = 8192;
const size_t defVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
size_t result = defVal;
return result;
size_t getMaxVBOSizeDefault()
size_t result;
// Detect the dedicated VRAM and use the following heuristic
// for sizing the VBO cache.
// VRAM Used for Available for
// (MB) gpuCache's other uses (MB)
// (MB) VBOs (MB)
// 0 0 0
// 128 0 128
// 512 256 256
// 1024 640 384
// 2048 1536 512
// 3072 2560 512
const size_t vramMB = VramQuery::queryVram() / 1024 / 1024;
float resultMB = 0.0f;
if (vramMB < 128) {
resultMB = 0.f;
else if (vramMB < 512) {
resultMB = (vramMB - 128) * (( 256.f - 0.f) / ( 512.f - 128.f)) + 0.f;
else if (vramMB < 1024) {
resultMB = (vramMB - 512) * (( 640.f - 256.f) / (1024.f - 512.f)) + 256.f;
else if (vramMB < 2048) {
resultMB = (vramMB - 1024) * ((1536.f - 640.f) / (2048.f - 1024.f)) + 640.f;
else {
resultMB = vramMB - 512;
result = size_t(resultMB * 1024 * 1024);
return result;
bool getUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLowDefault()
bool result;
#if defined(_WIN32)
// On Windows, using a temporary VBO is 3 times faster than
// using vertex arrays. (Tested with an NVidia Quadro gfx).
result = false;
#elif defined(__linux__)
// On Linux, using vertex arrays is 2 times faster than using
// a temporary VBO. (Tested with an NVidia Quadro gfx).
// Unfortunately, the NVidia driver seems to have a bug where
// drawing using vertex arrays causes memory corruption. So,
// this can't be used reliably on Quadro cards...
// (BTW, this has never been tested on a Linux machine with an
// NVidia GeForce or an ATI graphic card so, using temporary
// VBOs might not necessarily be the best option on these
// platforms!)
result = !VramQuery::isQuadro();
// On MacOS, using vertex arrays is 3 times faster than using
// a temporary VBO. (Tested with an AMD Radeon HD 6770M).
result = true;
return result;
bool getUseVertexArrayForGLPickingDefault()
bool result;
#ifdef __APPLE__
// Do not use VBO in conjunction with GL picking on Mac. When
// profiling on Mac OS X 10.7.2 / NVidia GT330M, we have found
// out that using VBO is 20X (i.e. 2000%) slower than simply
// using Vertex Arrays....
result = true;
result = false;
return result;
bool getUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVADefault()
bool result = false;
#if defined(_WIN32)
if (VramQuery::isQuadro() ) {
// For some reason, using vertex arrays on Windows/nVidia
// Quadro gfx leads to memory corruption. Using primitive
// OpenGL calls instead as a workaround.
// nVidia has fixed the memory corruption bug in 295.65
int driverVersion[3] = {0};
if (driverVersion[0] < 295 ||
(driverVersion[0] == 295 && driverVersion[1] < 65)) {
result = true;
return result;
bool getEmulateTwoSidedLightingDefault()
bool result;
// check Geforce graphics cards on windows
#ifdef _WIN32
result = VramQuery::isGeforce();
result = false;
return result;
// The environment variables listed below are used to control the
// method used to perform a given selection.
// Below the given threshold value, we use OpenGL picking. Above this
// value, we use either raster-based picking or CPU-based picking,
// because these methods are faster for large objects. The threshold
// value is respectively expressed in terms number of vertices, edges
// or triangles per object. There are different threshold value for
// kSurfaceSelectMethod and kWireframeSelectMethod. A negative value
// means to always use OpenGL picking. A zero value means to never use
// OpenGL picking.
size_t getOpenGLPickingWireframeThresholdDefault()
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On Mac, OpenGL picking seems to be hardware accelerated since
// it is always faster than raster-based picking.
const int defVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
const int defVal = 128;
return defVal;
size_t getOpenGLPickingSurfaceThresholdDefault()
#ifdef __APPLE__
// On Mac, OpenGL picking seems to be hardware accelerated since
// it is always faster than raster-based picking.
const int defVal = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
const int defVal = 1024;
return defVal;
bool getBackgroundReadingDefault()
return true;
size_t getBackgroundReadingRefreshDefault()
return 1000;
bool getUseHardwareInstancingDefault()
return true;
size_t getHardwareInstancingThresholdDefault()
return 2;
namespace GPUCache {
// CLASS Config
const MColor Config::kDefaultGrayColor = MColor(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f) * 0.8f;
const MColor Config::kDefaultTransparency = MColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
const unsigned short Config::kLineStippleShortDashed = 0x0303;
const unsigned short Config::kLineStippleDotted = 0x0101;
const MString Config::kDisplayFilter = "gpuCacheDisplayFilter";
bool Config::sInitialized = false;
size_t Config::sDefaultMaxVBOSize;
size_t Config::sDefaultMaxVBOCount;
size_t Config::sDefaultMinVertsForVBOs;
bool Config::sDefaultUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
bool Config::sDefaultUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
size_t Config::sDefaultOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
size_t Config::sDefaultOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
bool Config::sDefaultUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
bool Config::sDefaultEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
bool Config::sDefaultIsIgnoringUVs;
size_t Config::sDefaultVP2OverrideAPI;
bool Config::sDefaultBackgroundReading;
size_t Config::sDefaultBackgroundReadingRefresh;
bool Config::sDefaultUseHardwareInstancing;
size_t Config::sDefaultHardwareInstancingThreshold;
size_t Config::sMaxVBOSize;
size_t Config::sMaxVBOCount;
size_t Config::sMinVertsForVBOs;
bool Config::sUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
bool Config::sUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
size_t Config::sOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
size_t Config::sOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
bool Config::sUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
bool Config::sEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
bool Config::sIsIgnoringUVs;
size_t Config::sVP2OverrideAPI;
bool Config::sBackgroundReading;
size_t Config::sBackgroundReadingRefresh;
bool Config::sUseHardwareInstancing;
size_t Config::sHardwareInstancingThreshold;
void syncIntOptionVar(bool automatic, const char * autoOptVar, const char * valueOptVar, size_t defaultValue, size_t& dest, int multiplier=1)
bool existAuto = false;
int autoValue = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(autoOptVar, &existAuto);
if ( !automatic && existAuto && autoValue == 0 ) {
bool exist = false;
int value = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(valueOptVar, &exist);
if (exist) {
dest = value * multiplier;
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, static_cast<int>(defaultValue/multiplier));
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, static_cast<int>(defaultValue/multiplier));
void syncBoolOptionVar(bool automatic, const char * autoOptVar, const char * valueOptVar, bool defaultValue, bool& dest, bool valueToCompare)
bool existAuto = false;
int autoValue = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(autoOptVar, &existAuto);
if ( !automatic && existAuto && autoValue == 0 ){
bool exist = false;
int value = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(valueOptVar, &exist);
if (exist) {
dest = (static_cast<bool>(value) == valueToCompare);
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, defaultValue ? 1 : 0);
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, defaultValue ? 1 : 0);
void syncBoolOptionVar(bool automatic, const char * autoOptVar, const char * valueOptVar, bool defaultValue, bool& dest, int valueToCompare)
bool existAuto = false;
int autoValue = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(autoOptVar, &existAuto);
// convert defaultInt to radiobox enum.
int defaultInt = (valueToCompare==1 ? (defaultValue ? 1 : 2) : (defaultValue ? 2 : 1) );
if ( !automatic && existAuto && autoValue == 0 ){
bool exist = false;
int value = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue(valueOptVar, &exist);
if (exist) {
dest = (value == valueToCompare);
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, defaultInt);
else {
dest = defaultValue;
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue(valueOptVar, defaultInt);
Config::VP2OverrideAPI Config::vp2OverrideAPI()
// Once initialized, we save the API choice to this local static variable.
// The return value of vp2OverrideAPI() should be the same regardless of
// the user preference until the plug-in is unloaded.
static bool initialized = false;
static VP2OverrideAPI sCurrentVP2OverrideAPI = kMPxSubSceneOverride;
// This must be initialized separately with other config variables
// because vp2OverrideAPI() is called on plugin load.
if (!initialized) {
// Initialize the current and default values
sVP2OverrideAPI = sDefaultVP2OverrideAPI = getVP2OverrideAPIDefault();
// If there is no pref or 'automatic' is chosen
bool existAllAuto = false;
int allAutoValue = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue("gpuCacheAllAuto", &existAllAuto);
bool automatic = !existAllAuto || allAutoValue == 1;
// Sync with option var (read user pref)
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheVP2OverrideAPIAuto", "gpuCacheVP2OverrideAPI", sDefaultVP2OverrideAPI, sVP2OverrideAPI);
sCurrentVP2OverrideAPI = (Config::VP2OverrideAPI)sVP2OverrideAPI;
initialized = true;
return sCurrentVP2OverrideAPI;
bool Config::isIgnoringUVs()
return sIsIgnoringUVs;
size_t Config::minVertsForVBOs()
return sMinVertsForVBOs;
size_t Config::maxVBOCount()
return sMaxVBOCount;
size_t Config::maxVBOSize()
return sMaxVBOSize;
bool Config::useVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow()
return sUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
bool Config::useVertexArrayForGLPicking()
return sUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
bool Config::useGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA()
return sUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
bool Config::emulateTwoSidedLighting()
return sEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
size_t Config::openGLPickingWireframeThreshold()
return sOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
size_t Config::openGLPickingSurfaceThreshold()
return sOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
bool Config::backgroundReading()
return sBackgroundReading;
size_t Config::backgroundReadingRefresh()
return sBackgroundReadingRefresh;
bool Config::useHardwareInstancing()
return sUseHardwareInstancing;
size_t Config::hardwareInstancingThreshold()
return sHardwareInstancingThreshold;
void Config::refresh()
if (!sInitialized) {
return; // refresh() is called in initialize()
bool existAllAuto = false;
int allAutoValue = MGlobal::optionVarIntValue("gpuCacheAllAuto", &existAllAuto);
if (!existAllAuto) {
MGlobal::setOptionVarValue("gpuCacheAllAuto", 1);
bool automatic = !existAllAuto || allAutoValue == 1;
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheMaxVramAuto", "gpuCacheMaxVram", sDefaultMaxVBOSize, sMaxVBOSize, 1024*1024);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheMaxNumOfBuffersAuto", "gpuCacheMaxNumOfBuffers", sDefaultMaxVBOCount, sMaxVBOCount);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheMinVerticesPerShapeAuto", "gpuCacheMinVerticesPerShape", sDefaultMinVertsForVBOs, sMinVertsForVBOs);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheLowVramOperationAuto", "gpuCacheLowMemMode", sDefaultUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow, sUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow, 2);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheGlSelectionModeAuto", "gpuCacheGlSelectionMode", sDefaultUseVertexArrayForGLPicking, sUseVertexArrayForGLPicking, 1);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheSelectionWireThresholdAuto", "gpuCacheSelectionWireThreshold", sDefaultOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold, sOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheSelectionSurfaceThresholdAuto", "gpuCacheSelectionSurfaceThreshold", sDefaultOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold, sOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheDisableVertexArraysAuto", "gpuCacheUseVertexArrays", sDefaultUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA, sUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA, 2);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheTwoSidedLightingAuto", "gpuCacheTwoSidedLightingMode", sDefaultEmulateTwoSidedLighting, sEmulateTwoSidedLighting, 2);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheUvCoordinatesAuto", "gpuCacheIgnoreUv", sDefaultIsIgnoringUVs, sIsIgnoringUVs, true);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheVP2OverrideAPIAuto", "gpuCacheVP2OverrideAPI", sDefaultVP2OverrideAPI, sVP2OverrideAPI);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingAuto", "gpuCacheBackgroundReading", sDefaultBackgroundReading, sBackgroundReading, true);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingRefreshAuto", "gpuCacheBackgroundReadingRefresh", sDefaultBackgroundReadingRefresh, sBackgroundReadingRefresh);
syncBoolOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheUseHardwareInsancingAuto", "gpuCacheUseHardwareInstancing", sDefaultUseHardwareInstancing, sUseHardwareInstancing, true);
syncIntOptionVar(automatic, "gpuCacheHardwareInstancingThresholdAuto", "gpuCacheHardwareInstancingThreshold", sDefaultHardwareInstancingThreshold, sHardwareInstancingThreshold);
void Config::initialize()
// Initialize once on demand
if (!sInitialized) {
// Initialize the default values
sDefaultMaxVBOSize = getMaxVBOSizeDefault();
sDefaultMaxVBOCount = getMaxVBOCountDefault();
sDefaultMinVertsForVBOs = getMinVertsForVBOsDefault();
sDefaultUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow = getUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLowDefault();
sDefaultUseVertexArrayForGLPicking = getUseVertexArrayForGLPickingDefault();
sDefaultOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold = getOpenGLPickingWireframeThresholdDefault();
sDefaultOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold = getOpenGLPickingSurfaceThresholdDefault();
sDefaultUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA = getUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVADefault();
sDefaultEmulateTwoSidedLighting = getEmulateTwoSidedLightingDefault();
sDefaultIsIgnoringUVs = getIgnoreUVsDefault();
sDefaultBackgroundReading = getBackgroundReadingDefault();
sDefaultBackgroundReadingRefresh = getBackgroundReadingRefreshDefault();
sDefaultUseHardwareInstancing = getUseHardwareInstancingDefault();
sDefaultHardwareInstancingThreshold = getHardwareInstancingThresholdDefault();
// Initialize current values with default values
sMaxVBOSize = sDefaultMaxVBOSize;
sMaxVBOCount = sDefaultMaxVBOCount;
sMinVertsForVBOs = sDefaultMinVertsForVBOs;
sUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow = sDefaultUseVertexArrayWhenVRAMIsLow;
sUseVertexArrayForGLPicking = sDefaultUseVertexArrayForGLPicking;
sOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold = sDefaultOpenGLPickingWireframeThreshold;
sOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold = sDefaultOpenGLPickingSurfaceThreshold;
sUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA = sDefaultUseGLPrimitivesInsteadOfVA;
sEmulateTwoSidedLighting = sDefaultEmulateTwoSidedLighting;
sIsIgnoringUVs = sDefaultIsIgnoringUVs;
sBackgroundReading = sDefaultBackgroundReading;
sBackgroundReadingRefresh = sDefaultBackgroundReadingRefresh;
sUseHardwareInstancing = sDefaultUseHardwareInstancing;
sHardwareInstancingThreshold = sDefaultHardwareInstancingThreshold;
sInitialized = true;
// Sync with option vars
#ifdef _WIN32
// Emit a warning if the graphics driver has known issues.
// Quadro driver interferes with ReadFile function. (MAYA-32563)
if (VramQuery::isQuadro()) {
int driverVersion[3] = {0};
if (driverVersion[0] != 0 && getenv("MAYA_GPUCACHE_WORKAROUND_QUADRO_PAGE_READONLY") == NULL &&
(driverVersion[0] < 332 ||
(driverVersion[0] == 332 && driverVersion[1] < 50))) {
printf("The graphics driver (%d.%d.%d) has known issues and might not work properly with gpuCache.\n",
driverVersion[0], driverVersion[1], driverVersion[2]);
printf("Please upgrade the graphics driver to the latest version. (> 332.50)\n");
printf("Otherwise, set MAYA_GPUCACHE_WORKAROUND_QUADRO_PAGE_READONLY env if the driver has to be kept.\n");
} // namespace GPUCache