C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include "gpuCacheIsectUtil.h"
#include <maya/MMatrix.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <limits>
namespace GPUCache {
// used when ray does not intersect object
// to account for perspective, all edges are flattened onto
// a plane defined by the raySource and rayDirection
double gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnLine(const MPoint& queryPoint, const MPoint& pt1, const MPoint& pt2, MPoint& closestPoint){
MVector edgeVec = pt2-pt1;
double t = ( (queryPoint - pt1) * edgeVec ) / (edgeVec * edgeVec);
if(t<0) t=0;
if(t>1) t=1;
closestPoint = (1-t) * pt1 + t * pt2;
return t;
// used when ray does not intersect object
// to account for perspective, all edges are flattened onto
// a plane defined by the raySource and rayDirection
double gpuCacheIsectUtil::getEdgeSnapPointOnBox(const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, const MBoundingBox& bbox, MPoint& snapPoint){
//if ray intersects bbox
MPoint boxIntersectionPt;
if(firstRayIntersection(bbox.min(), bbox.max(), raySource, rayDirection, NULL, &boxIntersectionPt))
// ray intersects bounding box, so snapPoint is
// closest hit on the outside of the box
// and distance to box is 0 (for snapping purposes)
snapPoint = boxIntersectionPt;
return 0.0;
MPointArray verts;
MPoint vmin = bbox.min();
MPoint vmax = bbox.max();
int edgeIndices[12][2]={{0,1},{1,2},{2,3},{3,0},{4,5},{5,6},{6,7},{7,4},{0,4},{1,5},{3,7},{2,6}};
double minDistRect = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for(int edge=0; edge<12;edge++){
MPoint vertex1Org = verts[edgeIndices[edge][0]];
MPoint vertex2Org = verts[edgeIndices[edge][1]];
double coef_plane = rayDirection * raySource;
double d = coef_plane - rayDirection * vertex1Org;
MPoint vertex1 = vertex1Org + rayDirection * d;
d = coef_plane - rayDirection * vertex2Org;
MPoint vertex2 = vertex2Org + rayDirection * d;
MVector edgeDir = vertex2 - vertex1;
if (edgeDir.length()<0.0000001){
double dist = vertex1.distanceTo(raySource);
if (dist < minDistRect) {
minDistRect = dist;
snapPoint = vertex1Org;
} else {
MPoint edgePt;
// Compute the closest point from the edge to cursor Ray.
double percent = gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnLine(raySource, vertex1, vertex2, edgePt);
double dist = edgePt.distanceTo(raySource);
if (dist < minDistRect) {
minDistRect = dist;
snapPoint = (vertex1Org + percent * (vertex2Org - vertex1Org));
return minDistRect;
// used when ray does not intersect object
// to account for perspective, all edges are flattened onto
// a plane defined by the raySource and rayDirection
double gpuCacheIsectUtil::getEdgeSnapPointOnTriangle(const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, const MPoint& vert1, const MPoint& vert2, const MPoint& vert3, MPoint& snapPoint){
MPointArray verts;
int edgeIndices[3][2]={{0,1},{1,2},{2,0}};
double minDistTri = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
for(int edge=0; edge<3;edge++){
MPoint vertex1Org = verts[edgeIndices[edge][0]];
MPoint vertex2Org = verts[edgeIndices[edge][1]];
double coef_plane = rayDirection * raySource;
double d = coef_plane - rayDirection * vertex1Org;
MPoint vertex1 = vertex1Org + rayDirection * d;
d = coef_plane - rayDirection * vertex2Org;
MPoint vertex2 = vertex2Org + rayDirection * d;
MVector edgeDir = vertex2 - vertex1;
if (edgeDir.length()<0.0000001){
double dist = vertex1.distanceTo(raySource);
if (dist < minDistTri) {
minDistTri = dist;
snapPoint = vertex1Org;
} else {
MPoint edgePt;
// Compute the closest point from the edge to cursor Ray.
double percent = gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnLine(raySource, vertex1, vertex2, edgePt);
double dist = edgePt.distanceTo(raySource);
if (dist < minDistTri) {
minDistTri = dist;
snapPoint = (vertex1Org + percent * (vertex2Org - vertex1Org));
return minDistTri;
void gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointToRayOnLine(const MPoint& vertex1, const MPoint& vertex2, const MPoint& raySource, const MVector& rayDirection, MPoint& closestPoint, double& percent){
MPoint clsPoint;
MVector edgeDir = vertex2 - vertex1;
double len = edgeDir.length();
if(len < 0.0000001 )
percent = 0.0;
closestPoint = vertex1;
//if line is parallel to ray
double dotPrd = fabs(edgeDir * rayDirection);
if(dotPrd > 0.9999){
percent = 0.0;
closestPoint = vertex1;
// Vector connecting two closest points.
MVector crossProd = edgeDir ^ rayDirection;
// Normal to the plane defined by that vector and the 'otherLine'.
MVector planeNormal = rayDirection ^ crossProd;
//intersectionPlane is raySource,planeNormal
double t;
if(intersectPlane(raySource, planeNormal, vertex1,edgeDir,t)){
clsPoint = vertex1 + t * edgeDir;
// Find percent, where
// vertex1 + percent * (edgeDir) == closestPoint
percent = edgeDir * (clsPoint - vertex1) / len;
// The closest point may not be on the segment. Find the closest
// point on the segment using t.
if (percent < 0)
closestPoint = vertex1;
percent = 0.0;
else if (percent > 1.0)
closestPoint = vertex2;
percent = 1.0;
closestPoint = clsPoint;
} else
closestPoint = vertex1;
percent = 0.0;
double gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnBox(const MPoint& point, const MBoundingBox& bbox, MPoint& closestPoint){
MVector diff = point - bbox.center();
MVector axis[3] = { MVector(1.0,0.0,0.0),
double dimensions[3] = {0.5*bbox.width(),0.5*bbox.height(),0.5*bbox.depth()};
double sqrDistance = 0.0;
double delta;
MPoint closest;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
closest[i] = diff * axis[i];
if (closest[i] < -dimensions[i])
delta = closest[i] + dimensions[i];
sqrDistance += delta*delta;
closest[i] = -dimensions[i];
else if (closest[i] > dimensions[i])
delta = closest[i] - dimensions[i];
sqrDistance += delta*delta;
closest[i] = dimensions[i];
closestPoint = bbox.center();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
closestPoint += closest[i]*axis[i];
return sqrt(sqrDistance);
int gpuCacheIsectUtil::intersectRayWithBox(
MPoint minPoint,
MPoint maxPoint,
const MPoint& rayOrigin,
const MVector& rayDirection,
double isectParams[2]
// Description:
// Utility function that finds parametric values of all
// intersections of a ray with the bounding box whose
// lower and upper bounds along each axis are defined
// by xBound, yBound, zBound.
// Returns number of hits found (should always be <= 2),
// and returns parametric values of hits (sorted by increasing
// distance from the ray) through isectParams array.
// These parameters are the "t" values, if the ray is
// expressed parametrically as P(t) = rayOrigin + t*rayDirection.
// small tolerance necessary when ray passes almost exactly through
// corners of the bounding box.
const double isectTol = 1.0e-6;
// how many hits have we found so far
int numFound = 0;
// put bounds in an array to let us index them by axis
double boundsMin[3]={minPoint[0],minPoint[1],minPoint[2]};
double boundsMax[3]={maxPoint[0],maxPoint[1],maxPoint[2]};
// for each side of the voxel grid (+X, -X, +Y, -Y, +Z, -Z), we will
// intersect the ray with that side's plane, then check the intersection
// point to see if it lies within
for( int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
// ray can't intersect faces that it is parallel to
if( rayDirection[axis] != 0 )
// We are intersecting the ray with faces perp. to one axis
// (X, Y, or Z). Figure out what the other two axes are, as we're
// going to have to test whether the intersect points are "inside"
// those faces.
int otherAxis1 = (axis+1)%3;
int otherAxis2 = (axis+2)%3;
// figure out high and low "axis" coordinate values for the faces
// (x values of the -X and +X faces, for example)
double sides[2] = { boundsMin[axis], boundsMax[axis] };
// find the ray intersection with the high and low faces for this
// axis, and determine if the hit points lie within the bounds
// for the other two axes. For example, if the ray hits the plane
// defined by the +X face, does the hit point lie within the Y and Z
// ranges of the box. If so, then the ray intersects the box at
// that point.
// "side" is just 0 or 1: 0 for the low face (-X, for example),
// 1 for the high face (1, for example).
for( int side = 0; side < 2; side++ )
// find parametric distance to this face
double tSide = (sides[side]-rayOrigin[axis])/rayDirection[axis];
if( tSide > 0.0 )
// find first other coordinate value of hit point (hit x
// axis, we figure out the y value, for example)
double newPointOtherAxis1 = rayOrigin[otherAxis1] +
// see if the bounding box for the first other axis
// contains the hit point. If not, the ray can't intersect
// this face of the bounding box
if( (newPointOtherAxis1 >= (boundsMin[otherAxis1]-isectTol)) && (newPointOtherAxis1 <= (boundsMax[otherAxis1]+isectTol)) )
// now, test the hit point for the second other coordinate
// value, to see if it is inside the box bounds
double newPointOtherAxis2 = rayOrigin[otherAxis2] +
if( (newPointOtherAxis2 >= (boundsMin[otherAxis2]-isectTol)) && (newPointOtherAxis2 <= (boundsMax[otherAxis2]+isectTol)) )
// Point is on one face, inside the box bounds for
// the other two axes, so it's a hit.
// Now, insert its parametric value into the hit
// param array, maintaining the array in
// sorted order of ascending t. Note that since
// we are intersecting a ray against a convex
// object, we should never have more than 2
// intersections, so we'll just assume that the
// array currently has size 0 or 1, which makes
// the sorting trivial.
// The only time that this may not be the case
// is if a ray goes exactly through an edge or
// a corner. In that case, all the intersections
// correspond to the same point, so we should only
// report it once. We will achieve this by
// discarding intersection param values that are
// "equivalent" (equal with a small numerical
// tolerance).
if( numFound == 0 )
isectParams[0] = tSide;
else if( numFound == 1 )
// add the hit param in the appropriate
// position in the array
if( tSide >= (isectParams[0]+1.0e-10) )
isectParams[1] = tSide;
else if( tSide <= (isectParams[0]-1.0e-10) )
isectParams[1] = isectParams[0];
isectParams[0] = tSide;
return numFound;
bool gpuCacheIsectUtil::firstRayIntersection (
MPoint bboxMin,
MPoint bboxMax,
const MPoint& rayOrigin,
const MVector& rayDirection,
double* isectParam,
MPoint * isectPoint
// Description:
// Finds first hit of ray against the outside of the bounding box.
// Returns true if the ray hits the box, false otherwise.
// "isectParam", if non-NULL, receives parametric distance along ray
// to the intersection point (ie the "t" value if the ray is expressed
// parametrically as P(t) = rayOrigin + t * rayDirection).
// "isectPoint", if non-NULL, receives the intersection point coordinates.
// get all the hits with the bounding box
double allIsectParams[4] = {0};
if( !intersectRayWithBox( bboxMin, bboxMax, rayOrigin, rayDirection, allIsectParams ) )
return false;
// Found hits, so closest one is first in array. Return
// parametric value and point coordinates, if required.
if( isectParam != NULL )
*isectParam = allIsectParams[0];
if( isectPoint != NULL )
*isectPoint = rayOrigin + allIsectParams[0]*rayDirection;
return true;
bool gpuCacheIsectUtil::intersectPlane(const MPoint &planePoint, const MVector &planeNormal, const MPoint& rayPoint, const MVector &rayDirection, double &t)
// assuming vectors are all normalized
double denom = planeNormal * rayDirection;
if (denom > 0.0000001) {
MVector p0l0 = planePoint - rayPoint;
t = (p0l0 * planeNormal) / denom;
return (t >= 0);
return false;
bool gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnTri(const MPoint &toThisPoint, const MPoint &pt1, const MPoint &pt2, const MPoint &pt3, MPoint &theClosestPoint, double &currDist)
double sum, a, b, c, len, dist;
MMatrix mat;
mat[2][0] = mat[2][1] = mat[2][2] = 1.;
MVector v = toThisPoint - pt1;
MVector v12 = pt2 - pt1;
MVector v13 = pt3 - pt1;
MVector norm = v12 ^ v13;
len = norm * norm;
if (len < 1.175494351e-38F) return false;
len = ( norm * v ) / len;
MPoint pnt = toThisPoint - len * norm;
// Do a quick test first
if (pnt.distanceTo(toThisPoint) >= currDist)
return false;
int i, j; // Find best plane to project to
if (fabs(norm[0]) > fabs(norm[1]))
if (fabs(norm[0]) > fabs(norm[2]))
i = 1; j = 2;
i = 0; j = 1;
if (fabs(norm[1]) > fabs(norm[2]))
i = 0; j = 2;
// i = 2; j = 0;
i = 0; j = 1;
mat[0][0] = pt1[i]; mat[0][1] = pt2[i]; mat[0][2] = pt3[i];
mat[1][0] = pt1[j]; mat[1][1] = pt2[j]; mat[1][2] = pt3[j];
MMatrix matInv = mat.inverse();
MPoint abc(pnt[i], pnt[j], 1, 0);
abc = matInv * abc;
// Now abc is the barycentric coordinates of pnt
// clip to inside triangle
if (abc[0]<0) { // a < 0
if (abc[1]<0) { // b < 0
a = b = 0;
c = 1;
} else if (abc[2]<0) { // c < 0
a = c = 0;
b = 1;
} else {
a = 0;
// c = BP dot BC / BC square;
MVector v23 = pt3 - pt2; // BC
MVector vp = toThisPoint - pt2; // BP
c = ( vp * v23 ) / ( v23[0]*v23[0] + v23[1]*v23[1] + v23[2]*v23[2] );
if (c<0) c = 0; else if (c>1) c = 1;
b = 1 - c;
} else if (abc[1]<0) { // b < 0
if (abc[2]<0) { // c < 0
b = c = 0;
a = 1;
//} else if (abc[0]<0) { // a < 0
// b = a = 0; // commented-code for optimization
// c = 1; // leaving it in for readability (cyclic variations)
} else {
b = 0;
// a = CP dot CA / CA square;
MVector v31 = pt1 - pt3; // CA
MVector vp = toThisPoint - pt3; // CP
a = ( vp * v31 ) / ( v31[0]*v31[0] + v31[1]*v31[1] +v31[2]*v31[2] );
if (a<0) a = 0; else if (a>1) a = 1;
c = 1 - a;
} else if (abc[2]<0) { // c < 0
//if (abc[1]<0) { // b < 0
// c = b = 0;
// a = 1;
//} else if (abc[0]<0) { // a < 0
// c = a = 0;
// b = 1; // commented-code for optimization
//} else { // leaving it in for readability (cyclic variations)
c = 0;
// b = AP dot AB / AB square;
//DIFF(v23, pt3, pt2); // AB
MVector vp = toThisPoint - pt1; // AP
b = ( vp * v12 ) / ( v12[0]*v12[0] + v12[1]*v12[1] + v12[2]*v12[2] );
if (b<0) b = 0; else if (b>1) b = 1;
a = 1 - b;
} else {
if (abc[0]>0) a = abc[0]; else a = 0;
if (abc[1]>0) b = abc[1]; else b = 0;
if (abc[2]>0) c = abc[2]; else c = 0;
sum = a+b+c;
a /= sum ; b /= sum ; c /= sum ;
pnt = a * pt1 + b * pt2 + c * pt3;
dist = pnt.distanceTo(toThisPoint);
if ( dist < currDist)
// Now it's really closer, keep it
currDist = dist;
theClosestPoint = pnt;
return true;
return false;