C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGrid.h"
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGridWalker.h"
#include "gpuCacheIsectUtil.h"
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
const MBoundingBox& boundingBox,
const gridPoint3<int>& numVoxels
// Description:
// Constructure just initializes bounding box sizes and sets
// all voxel entries to NULL pointers.
: fBounds(boundingBox),
// artificially expand the bounding box if is too small along one or more
// axes
double minSize[3] = { 0.01, 0.01, 0.01 };
expandBBoxByPercentage( fBounds, 1.0, minSize );
// figure out voxel sizes
fVoxelSizes[0] = fBounds.width() / fNumVoxels[0];
fVoxelSizes[1] = fBounds.height() / fNumVoxels[1];
fVoxelSizes[2] = fBounds.depth() / fNumVoxels[2];
// make sure none of the voxels are tiny along one dimension
if( fVoxelSizes[0] < 0.01 )
fVoxelSizes[0] = fBounds.width();
fNumVoxels[0] = 1;
if( fVoxelSizes[1] < 0.01 )
fVoxelSizes[1] = fBounds.height();
fNumVoxels[1] = 1;
if( fVoxelSizes[2] < 0.01 )
fVoxelSizes[2] = fBounds.depth();
fNumVoxels[2] = 1;
// NULL out all voxel contents
unsigned int totalVoxels = fNumVoxels[0] * fNumVoxels[1] * fNumVoxels[2];
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < totalVoxels; i++ )
// Description:
// Just delete non-empty voxel grid entries.
int numVoxels = fNumVoxels[0] * fNumVoxels[1] * fNumVoxels[2];
for( int v = 0; v < numVoxels; v++ )
if( fVoxels[v] != NULL )
delete fVoxels[v];
// Some simple accessors
const gridPoint3<int>& SpatialGrid::getNumVoxels()
return fNumVoxels;
void SpatialGrid::bounds( MPoint& lowerCorner, MPoint& upperCorner )
lowerCorner = fBounds.min();
upperCorner = fBounds.max();
const MBoundingBox& SpatialGrid::bounds()
return fBounds;
int SpatialGrid::getLinearVoxelIndex( const gridPoint3<int>& index ) const
// Description:
// Figures out which linear array element represents the
// voxel with the given x,y,z indices. Remember, voxels
// are stored by increasing order of X, then Y, then Z coordinate
// indices.
return index[2]*(fNumVoxels[0]*fNumVoxels[1])
+ index[1]*fNumVoxels[0]
+ index[0];
const MBoundingBox& box,
gridPoint3<int>& minIndices,
gridPoint3<int>& maxIndices
) const
// Description:
// Given a bounding box, compute the min and max voxel
// indices (in x, y, z) of the cells that intersect the box.
// get bbox corners
const MPoint& minPt = box.min();
const MPoint& maxPt = box.max();
// return indices for min/max corners
getVoxelCoords( minPt, minIndices, NULL );
getVoxelCoords( maxPt, maxIndices, NULL );
void SpatialGrid::getVoxelCoords(
const MPoint& point,
gridPoint3<int>& coords,
MPoint *residuals ) const
// Description:
// Given a point, compute the x,y,z indices of the voxel grid
// in which it resides. Optionally, return residual which gives
// distance from point to next-lowest grid line value in each
// dimension.
// get point relative to voxel grid lower corner
MPoint relPoint = point - fBounds.min();
// get indices for each axis
for( int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
// figure out which cell point resides in
float voxSpace = relPoint[axis] / fVoxelSizes[axis];
coords[axis] = (int)floor( voxSpace );
// clamp coordinate to valid range
if( coords[axis] < 0 )
coords[axis] = 0;
else if( coords[axis] >= fNumVoxels[axis] )
coords[axis] = fNumVoxels[axis]-1;
// compute residual
if( residuals != NULL )
(*residuals)[axis] = fVoxelSizes[axis]*(voxSpace-coords[axis]);
void SpatialGrid::expandBBoxByPercentage(
MBoundingBox& bbox,
double percentage,
double min[3]
// Description:
// Expands the given bounding box by the given percentage
// in all dimensions. Percentage should be a value between
// 0 and 1, representing 0% to 100%.
// The optional 3 "min" values specify minimum sizes along each
// axis that the bounding box size will be expanded to. This
// is useful for situations where one of the box axes is so small
// that a percentagewise increase will not be meaningful.
percentage += 1.0;
MPoint c = bbox.center();
float w = bbox.width();
float h = bbox.height();
float d = bbox.depth();
// clamp the box sizes to the minimums, if given
if( min != NULL )
if( w < min[0] )
w = min[0];
if( h < min[1] )
h = min[1];
if( d < min[2] )
d = min[2];
// increase the box size
MVector offset(w, h, d);
offset *= (0.5f * percentage);
bbox.expand( c + offset);
bbox.expand( c - offset);
void SpatialGrid::getClosestVoxelCoords(
const MPoint& point,
gridPoint3<int>& coords) const
// Description:
// Given a point, compute the x,y,z indices of the voxel grid
// that it is closest to.
MPoint c1 = fBounds.min() + MVector(fBounds.width()/4, fBounds.height()/4, fBounds.depth()/4);
MPoint c2 = fBounds.max() - MVector(fBounds.width()/4, fBounds.height()/4, fBounds.depth()/4);
MBoundingBox bounds(c1,c2);
MPoint relPoint;
relPoint = point - fBounds.min();
} else {
//snap to bbox
MPoint closestPoint = point;
GPUCache::gpuCacheIsectUtil::getClosestPointOnBox(point, bounds, closestPoint);
relPoint = closestPoint - fBounds.min();
for( int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ )
// figure out which cell point resides in
float voxSpace = relPoint[axis] / fVoxelSizes[axis];
coords[axis] = (int)floor( voxSpace );
bool SpatialGrid::isValidVoxel(gridPoint3<int>& vox){
if(vox[0]>=0 && vox[0]<fNumVoxels[0] && vox[1]>=0 && vox[1]<fNumVoxels[1] && vox[2]>=0 && vox[2]<fNumVoxels[2])
return true;
return false;
const gridPoint3<int>& index
// Description:
// Returns list of triangles for given voxel. Allocates the array
// if it doesn't exist already
int linearIndex = getLinearVoxelIndex( index );
if( fVoxels[linearIndex] == NULL )
fVoxels[linearIndex] = new MUintArray;
return fVoxels[linearIndex];
float SpatialGrid::getMemoryFootprint()
// Description:
// Returns total amount of memory used by acceleration
// structure. This is the sum of the physical sizes of
// all the voxel entries, plus the physical size of the
// linear voxel array as well.
// The result is returned in KB.
int totalSize = 0;
// total up grid cell contents
int numVoxels = fNumVoxels[0]*fNumVoxels[1]*fNumVoxels[2];
for( int v = 0; v < numVoxels; v++ )
if( fVoxels[v] != NULL )
totalSize += fVoxels[v]->length()*sizeof(unsigned int);
// also add space required for linear array of voxels
totalSize += fVoxels.size()*sizeof(MUintArray*);
return ((float)totalSize)/1024.0f;
SpatialGridWalker SpatialGrid::getRayIterator(
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction )
// Description:
// Returns an iterator that will walk through every voxel
// intersected by the ray from 'origin' along direction
// 'direction'. The iterator starts off in a valid grid
// cell on initialization.
return SpatialGridWalker( origin, direction, this );