C++ API Reference
#ifndef _gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision
#define _gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
// or hard copy form.
// Description:
// The gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision class represents a spatial subdivision
// structure that subdivides the bounding box for a gpuCache into cells.
// Each cell stores a list of the triangles of the gpuCache that at least
// partially intersects the cell. An iterator is provided that will walk
// through the cells intersected by a ray. This structure can be used to
// perform fast intersection tests between a ray and the gpuCache.
// The gpuCacheIsectAccelParams class encapsulates the parameters of the
// intersection acceleration structure, including how the cells are
// organized, and how many cells are used to fill the mesh bounding
// box. Currently, the only option is a uniform grid, with a variable
// number of grid cells along the X, Y, and Z axes. In the future, other
// schemes such as octrees could potentially be incorporated.
#include "gpuCacheSample.h"
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGrid.h"
#include "gpuCacheSpatialGridWalker.h"
#include "gpuCacheIsectUtil.h"
namespace GPUCache {
typedef IndexBuffer::index_t index_t;
class ShapeNode;
class gpuCacheVoxelGrid;
// Class: gpuCacheIsectAccelParams
// Purpose: Encapsulates parameters describing the configuration of a
// spatial acceleration structure. Passed as a parameter to
// gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision to control construction of the
// acceleration structure.
class gpuCacheIsectAccelParams
// default constructor for arrays
// comparing acceleration structure configurations
// (necessary to know if an acceleration structure needs
// to be rebuilt)
int operator==( const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& rhs );
int operator!=( const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& rhs );
// Use the *Params methods to create acceleration param structures.
// There are currently two algorithms available:
// 1) uniformGrid: triangles are organized into a uniform grid.
// with the user specifying the number of grid
// divisions in x, y, and z
// 2) autoUniformGrid: also a uniform grid strategy, but
// the number of divisions is chosen automatically
// based on the average triangle area of the
// mesh, and using some heuristics.
// create a uniform grid configuration object
static gpuCacheIsectAccelParams uniformGridParams( int divX = 10,
int divY = 10,
int divZ = 10 );
// create an auto uniform grid configuration object
static gpuCacheIsectAccelParams autoUniformGridParams();
friend class gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision;
// types of acceleration structures
// constructor is intentionally private, to force clients to go through
// the *Param methods above. Seems like a better way to leave room
// for future extensions.
gpuCacheIsectAccelParams( int alg,
int divX,
int divY,
int divZ );
int fAlgorithm; // type of acceleration structure
int fDivX; // number of grid cells along X axis
int fDivY; // number of grid cells along Y axis
int fDivZ; // number of grid cells along Z axis
// Class: gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision
// Purpose: Organizes the triangles of a poly mesh into the cells of a 3d
// spatial subdivision of the mesh bounding box. Provides a routine
// for intersecting a ray with the mesh. This intersection operation
// only considers intersections with triangles that intersect
// cells that lie along the ray's path, therefore it can be much
// faster than testing the ray against each triangle.
// The gpuCacheIsectAccelParams class contains the parameters that
// describe the spatial subdivision. Currently, we only support
// a uniform Nx by Ny by Nz uniform grid, but the class could be
// generalized later to use other subdivision schemes such as
// octrees or BSP trees.
class gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision
// The subdivision doesn't actually get built until the
// first call to closestIntersection()
gpuCacheSpatialSubdivision( unsigned int numTriangles, const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices, const float* srcPositions,
const MBoundingBox bounds, const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& accelParams );
// frees memory for the subdivision structure
// find closest intersection, if any, of a ray within the triangles of triArray
MStatus closestIntersection(
const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction,
const MIntArray&triArray,
float maxParam,
MPoint& closestIsect,
MVector& isectNormal );
// find closest intersection of a ray with entire grid contents
MStatus closestIntersection(
const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& origin,
const MVector& direction,
float maxParam,
MPoint& closestIsect,
MVector& isectNormal );
// find closest point to a point on a set of triangles
bool closestPointToPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& queryPoint,
MIntArray& triArray,
MPoint& closestPoint);
// find closest point to a point on the entire surface
void closestPointToPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& queryPoint,
MPoint& closestPoint);
// find edge snap point on a set of triangles
double getEdgeSnapPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& rayPoint,
const MVector& rayDirection,
MIntArray& triArray,
MPoint& closestPoint);
// find edge snap point on the entire surface
double getEdgeSnapPoint(const unsigned int numTriangles,
const index_t* srcTriangleVertIndices,
const float* srcPositions,
const MPoint& rayPoint,
const MVector& rayDirection,
MPoint& closestPoint);
// determines if the grid was created with parameters compatible with
// the given params
bool matchesParams( const gpuCacheIsectAccelParams& accelParams );
// returns the total amount of memory (in KB) used by the spatial
// subdivision structure
float getMemoryFootprint();
// retrieves the amount of time that was used to build the structure
// (in seconds)
float getBuildTime();
// returns a string describing the structure and its parameters
MString getDescription( bool includeStats );
// diagnostic stats for all acceleration structures in the system
// (how many, total memory footprint, total time required to build them)
static int totalNumActive();
static int totalNumCreated();
static float totalFootprints();
static float totalBuildTimes();
// returns a string describing the total resource usage for all
// gpuCacheSpatialSubdivisions in the system.
static MString systemStats();
// resets the count of number of spatial subdivisions created (but doesn't
// lose track of ones currently allocated), as well as the peak memory
// usage and build times.
static void resetSystemStats();
// deletes the grid, does appropriate accounting
void deleteVoxelGrid();
// poly object on which we are doing the lookups
gpuCacheIsectAccelParams fAccelParams;
gpuCacheVoxelGrid* fVoxelGrid;
// describes the structure
MString fDescription;
// time that was used to construct the structure (in seconds)
float fMemoryFootprint;
float fBuildTime;
// static data for accounting purposes
static int fsTotalNumActiveSpatialSubdivisions;
static int fsTotalNumCreatedSpatialSubdivisions;
static float fsTotalMemoryFootprint;
static float fsTotalBuildTime;
static float fsPeakMemoryFootprint;