C++ API Reference
#ifndef _AwQuaternion
#define _AwQuaternion
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// CLASS: AwQuaternion
// *****************************************************************************
// Quaternions can be used to specify orientations and rotations of 3-D
// objects relative to a starting reference, similar to the way that cartesian
// vectors can be used to specify positions and translations of 3-D objects
// relative to an origin. Quaternions represent orientations as a single
// rotation, just as rectangular co-ordinates represent position as a single
// vector.
// *****************************************************************************
#include <AwMath.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
class AwVector;
class AwMatrix;
class AwQuaternion {
// Constructors
AwQuaternion(const AwQuaternion &q);
AwQuaternion(double x, double y, double z, double w);
AwQuaternion(const AwVector &, const AwVector &);
AwQuaternion(double angle, const AwVector &axis);
AwQuaternion(const MQuaternion &q);
operator MQuaternion() const;
AwQuaternion &operator=(const AwQuaternion &);
AwQuaternion &operator=(const AwMatrix &);
double &operator[](unsigned i);
double operator[](unsigned i) const;
AwQuaternion operator*(const AwQuaternion &) const;
bool operator==(const AwQuaternion &) const;
bool operator!=(const AwQuaternion &) const;
operator AwMatrix() const;
void convertToMatrix(AwMatrix &) const;
AwQuaternion &setAxisAngle(const AwVector &axis, double theta);
bool getAxisAngle(AwVector &axis, double &theta) const;
friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const AwQuaternion &);
static const AwQuaternion identity; // The multiplicative identity.
double x, y, z, w; // imaginary (3) & real components
// Inline methods
inline AwQuaternion::AwQuaternion()
: w(1.0), x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0)
inline AwQuaternion::AwQuaternion(const AwQuaternion &q)
: w(q.w), x(q.x), y(q.y), z(q.z)
inline AwQuaternion::AwQuaternion(double a, double b, double c, double d)
: x(a), y(b), z(c), w(d)
inline AwQuaternion::AwQuaternion(double angle, const AwVector &axis)
: w(1.0), x(0.0), y(0.0), z(0.0)
{ setAxisAngle(axis, angle); }
inline AwQuaternion::AwQuaternion(const MQuaternion &q)
: w(q.w), x(q.x), y(q.y), z(q.z)
inline AwQuaternion::operator MQuaternion() const
return MQuaternion(x, y, z, w);
inline AwQuaternion::~AwQuaternion ()
inline AwQuaternion &AwQuaternion::operator=(const AwQuaternion &src)
{ w = src.w; x = src.x; y = src.y; z = src.z; return *this; }
inline double &AwQuaternion::operator[](unsigned i)
{ return (&x)[i]; }
inline double AwQuaternion::operator[](unsigned i) const
{ return (&x)[i]; }
inline bool AwQuaternion::operator==( const AwQuaternion &otherQ ) const
{ return w == otherQ.w && x == otherQ.x && y == otherQ.y && z == otherQ.z; }
inline bool AwQuaternion::operator!=( const AwQuaternion &otherQ ) const
{ return !( (*this) == otherQ ); }
#endif /* _AwQuaternion */