C++ API Reference
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#include "lambertShaderOverride.h"
MHWRender::MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride* lambertShaderOverride::creator(const MObject& obj)
return new lambertShaderOverride(obj);
lambertShaderOverride::lambertShaderOverride(const MObject& obj)
: MPxSurfaceShadingNodeOverride(obj)
MHWRender::DrawAPI lambertShaderOverride::supportedDrawAPIs() const
// works in both gl and dx
return MHWRender::kOpenGL | MHWRender::kDirectX11 | MHWRender::kOpenGLCoreProfile;
MString lambertShaderOverride::fragmentName() const
// Just reuse Maya's lambert surface shader
return "mayaLambertSurface";
void lambertShaderOverride::getCustomMappings(
// The "color", "transparency" and "incandescence" attributes are all
// named the same as the corresponding parameters on the fragment so they
// will map automatically. Need to remap diffuseReflectivity and
// translucence though
"diffuse", "diffuseReflectivity", true, true);
"translucence", "translucenceCoeff", true, true);
MString lambertShaderOverride::primaryColorParameter() const
// Use the color parameter from the lambert fragment as the primary color
return "color";
MString lambertShaderOverride::transparencyParameter() const
// Use the "transparency" parameter from the lambert fragment for transparency
return "transparency";
MString lambertShaderOverride::bumpAttribute() const
// Use the "normalCamera" attribute to recognize bump connections
return "normalCamera";