C++ API Reference
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#include "meshOpFty.h"
// Description:
// meshOpFty constructor
// Description:
// meshOpFty destructor
void meshOpFty::setMesh( MObject& mesh )
// Description:
// Sets the mesh object for the factory to operate on
fMesh = mesh;
void meshOpFty::setComponentList( MObject& componentList )
// Description:
// Sets the list of the components for the factory to operate on
fComponentList = componentList;
void meshOpFty::setComponentIDs( MIntArray& componentIDs )
// Description:
// Sets the list of the components for the factory to operate on
fComponentIDs = componentIDs;
void meshOpFty::setMeshOperation( MeshOperation operationType )
// Description:
// Sets the mesh operation for the factory to execute
fOperationType = operationType;
MFn::Type meshOpFty::getExpectedComponentType( MeshOperation operationType )
switch (operationType)
case kSubdivideEdges: return MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent;
case kSubdivideFaces: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
case kExtrudeEdges: return MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent;
case kExtrudeFaces: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
case kCollapseEdges: return MFn::kMeshEdgeComponent;
case kCollapseFaces: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
case kDuplicateFaces: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
case kExtractFaces: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
case kSplitLightning: return MFn::kMeshPolygonComponent;
default: return MFn::kInvalid;