C++ API Reference
#ifndef _meshOpFty
#define _meshOpFty
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// Copyright 1995,2006,2008 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk
// license agreement provided at the time of installation or download,
// or which otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic
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// ***************************************************************************
// Overview:
// The meshOp factory implements the actual meshOperation operation.
// It takes in three parameters:
// 1) A polygonal mesh
// 2) An array of component IDs
// 3) A mesh operation identifier
// Please refer to MFnMeshOperations to get more information on the different
// mesh operations.
#include "polyModifierFty.h"
// General Includes
#include <maya/MObject.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MString.h>
enum MeshOperation
kSubdivideEdges = 0,
kSubdivideFaces = 1,
kExtrudeEdges = 2,
kExtrudeFaces = 3,
kCollapseEdges = 4,
kCollapseFaces = 5,
kDuplicateFaces = 6,
kExtractFaces = 7,
kSplitLightning = 8,
// Number of valid operations
kMeshOperationCount = 9
class meshOpFty : public polyModifierFty
~meshOpFty() override;
// Modifiers
void setMesh( MObject& mesh );
void setComponentList( MObject& componentList );
void setComponentIDs( MIntArray& componentIDs );
void setMeshOperation( MeshOperation operationType );
// Returns the type of component expected by a given mesh operation
static MFn::Type getExpectedComponentType( MeshOperation operationType );
// polyModifierFty inherited methods
MStatus doIt() override;
// Mesh Node - Note: We only make use of this MObject during a single
// call of the meshOperation plugin. It is never
// maintained and used between calls to the plugin as
// the MObject handle could be invalidated between
// calls to the plugin.
MObject fMesh;
// Selected Components and Operation to execute
MIntArray fComponentIDs;
MeshOperation fOperationType;
MObject fComponentList;
MStatus doLightningSplit(MFnMesh& meshFn);