C++ API Reference
#include "sceneAssemblyStrings.h"
#include "adskRepresentationCmd.h"
#include "assemblyDefinition.h"
#include <maya/MSyntax.h>
#include <maya/MGlobal.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ciso646>
#if defined( _WIN32 ) || defined( _LIBCPP_VERSION )
#include <unordered_map>
#define ADSTD std
// Note:
// We found tr1::unordered_map::begin() is O(n) on Linux.
// The C++11 standard clearly states that begin() must be O(1)
// for all std containers This means that the platform
// implementation of tr1::unordered_map is not C++11 compliant yet.
// If meet performance issue with tr1::unordered_map, suggest to
// use boost library, which is cross-platform and boost::unordered_map
// is C++11 compliant.
#include <tr1/unordered_map>
#define ADSTD std::tr1
using namespace std;
namespace {
/*----- classes -----*/
class RegistryEntry {
/*----- types and enumerations -----*/
// Copy ctor and assignment optor not defined, as
// compiler defaults (memberwise default ctor, memberwise copy,
// memberwise assignment, respectively) are fine.
RegistryEntry() : fTypeLabel() {}
~RegistryEntry() {}
MString typeLabel() const { return fTypeLabel; }
MString aeRepresentationProc() const { return fAERepresentationProc; }
void setTypeLabel(const MString& typeLabel) {
fTypeLabel = typeLabel;
void setAERepresentationProc(const MString& proc) {
fAERepresentationProc = proc;
MString fTypeLabel;
MString fAERepresentationProc;
/*----- types and enumerations -----*/
typedef ADSTD::unordered_map< std::string, RegistryEntry > AdskRepresentationRegistry;
/*----- variables -----*/
AdskRepresentationRegistry fRegistry; // Representation manager registry.
// CLASS AdskRepresentationCmd
: fMode(kEdit)
void* AdskRepresentationCmd::creator()
return new AdskRepresentationCmd();
MSyntax AdskRepresentationCmd::cmdSyntax()
MSyntax syntax;
syntax.addFlag("-tl", "-typeLabel", MSyntax::kString);
syntax.addFlag("-rcp", "-updateAERepresentationProc", MSyntax::kString);
syntax.addFlag("-lrt", "-listRepTypes", MSyntax::kString);
return syntax;
const char* AdskRepresentationCmd::name()
return "adskRepresentation";
MStatus AdskRepresentationCmd::doIt(const MArgList& args)
MStatus status;
MArgDatabase argsDb(syntax(), args, &status);
if (!status) return status;
if (argsDb.isEdit()) {
if (argsDb.isQuery()) {
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rEditQueryError, status));
return MS::kFailure;
fMode = kEdit;
else if (argsDb.isQuery()) {
fMode = kQuery;
fTypeLabelFlag.parse( argsDb, "-typeLabel");
fAERepresentationProcFlag.parse( argsDb, "-updateAERepresentationProc");
fListRepTypesFlag.parse( argsDb, "-listRepTypes");
if (!fListRepTypesFlag.isModeValid(fMode)) {
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rListRepTypesFlagError, status));
return MS::kFailure;
MStringArray objs;
status = argsDb.getObjects(objs);
MString repType;
if (objs.length() == 0) {
if(needObjectArg()) {
displayError( MStringResource::getString( rRepTypeObjArgError, status));
return MS::kFailure;
} else {
repType = objs[0];
switch (fMode) {
case kEdit: status = doEdit(repType); break;
case kQuery: status = doQuery(repType); break;
return status;
MStatus AdskRepresentationCmd::doEdit(const MString& repType)
MStatus status;
if (fTypeLabelFlag.isSet()) {
AdskRepresentationRegistry::iterator found = fRegistry.find(repType.asChar());
RegistryEntry entry = (found == fRegistry.end()) ? RegistryEntry() : found->second;
fRegistry[string(repType.asChar())] = entry;
else if (fAERepresentationProcFlag.isSet()) {
AdskRepresentationRegistry::iterator found = fRegistry.find(repType.asChar());
RegistryEntry entry = (found == fRegistry.end()) ? RegistryEntry() : found->second;
fRegistry[string(repType.asChar())] = entry;
return MS::kSuccess;
MStatus AdskRepresentationCmd::doQuery(const MString& repType)
if (fTypeLabelFlag.isSet()) {
// Get the representation type label from the registry.
AdskRepresentationRegistry::const_iterator found = fRegistry.find(repType.asChar());
if (found == fRegistry.end()) {
return MS::kFailure;
}else if (fAERepresentationProcFlag.isSet()) {
// Get the representation procedure from the registry.
AdskRepresentationRegistry::const_iterator found = fRegistry.find(repType.asChar());
if (found == fRegistry.end()) {
return MS::kFailure;
}else if (fListRepTypesFlag.isSet()) {
MStringArray representations = AssemblyDefinition::registeredTypes();
return MS::kSuccess;
bool AdskRepresentationCmd::needObjectArg() const
return !fListRepTypesFlag.isSet();
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.