C++ API Reference
#ifndef _adskRepresentationFactory_h_
#define _adskRepresentationFactory_h_
#include <maya/MString.h>
* CLASS AdskRepresentationFactory
// <summary>Base class for representation factory objects.</summary>
// This class provides a uniform interface for objects that can create
// representations.
class AdskRepresentationFactory {
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Create a representation object of the given name, with the given
// data, and set its assembly to be the argument assembly. The
// type of the created representation is determined by the derived
// factory class. The factory object does not keep ownership of
// the returned representation; it is up to the caller to delete
// it. If the assembly pointer is null, a null representation
// pointer should be returned.
virtual MPxRepresentation* create(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& name, const MString& data
) const = 0;
// Given representation type-specific creation input, return a name
// for a representation of the type supported by this factory.
virtual MString creationName(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const = 0;
// Given representation type-specific creation input, return a UI
// label for a representation of the type supported by this factory.
virtual MString creationLabel(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const = 0;
// Given representation type-specific creation input, return
// persistent data the assembly should initially store for a
// representation of the type supported by this factory.
virtual MString creationData(
MPxAssembly* assembly, const MString& input
) const = 0;
// Return the type name of the representation created by this factory.
MString getType() const { return fType; }
virtual ~AdskRepresentationFactory() {}
/*----- member functions -----*/
AdskRepresentationFactory(const MString& type) : fType(type) {}
/*----- member functions -----*/
// Don't copy or assign.
AdskRepresentationFactory(const AdskRepresentationFactory&);
AdskRepresentationFactory& operator=(const AdskRepresentationFactory&);
/*----- data members -----*/
const MString fType;
// Copyright 2013 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license
// agreement provided at the time of installation or download, or which
// otherwise accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy
// form.