C++ API Reference
// Copyright 2015 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved.
// Use of this software is subject to the terms of the Autodesk license agreement
// provided at the time of installation or download, or which otherwise
// accompanies this software in either electronic or hard copy form.
#include "viewOverrideSimple.h"
// For override creation we return a UI name so that it shows up in as a
// renderer in the 3d viewport menus.
viewOverrideSimple::viewOverrideSimple( const MString & name )
: MRenderOverride( name )
, mUIName("Simple VP2 Override")
, mCurrentOperation(-1)
mOperations[0] = mOperations[1] = mOperations[2] = NULL;
mOperationNames[0] = "viewOverrideSimple_Scene";
mOperationNames[1] = "viewOverrideSimple_HUD";
mOperationNames[2] = "viewOverrideSimple_Present";
// On destruction all operations are deleted.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
if (mOperations[i])
delete mOperations[i];
mOperations[i] = NULL;
// Drawing uses all internal code so will support all draw APIs
MHWRender::DrawAPI viewOverrideSimple::supportedDrawAPIs() const
return MHWRender::kAllDevices;
// Basic iterator methods which returns a list of operations in order
// The operations are not executed at this time only queued for execution
// - startOperationIterator() : to start iterating
// - renderOperation() : will be called to return the current operation
// - nextRenderOperation() : when this returns false we've returned all operations
bool viewOverrideSimple::startOperationIterator()
mCurrentOperation = 0;
return true;
if (mCurrentOperation >= 0 && mCurrentOperation < 3)
if (mOperations[mCurrentOperation])
return mOperations[mCurrentOperation];
return NULL;
if (mCurrentOperation < 3)
return true;
return false;
// On setup we make sure that we have created the appropriate operations
// These will be returned via the iteration code above.
// The only thing that is required here is to create:
// - One scene render operation to draw the scene.
// - One "stock" HUD render operation to draw the HUD over the scene
// - One "stock" presentation operation to be able to see the results in the viewport
MStatus viewOverrideSimple::setup( const MString & destination )
if (!theRenderer)
// Create a new set of operations as required
if (!mOperations[0])
mOperations[0] = (MHWRender::MRenderOperation *) new simpleViewRenderSceneRender( mOperationNames[0] );
mOperations[2] = (MHWRender::MRenderOperation *) new MHWRender::MPresentTarget( mOperationNames[2] );
if (!mOperations[0] ||
!mOperations[1] ||
// On cleanup we just return for returning the list of operations for
// the next render
MStatus viewOverrideSimple::cleanup()
mCurrentOperation = -1;
// The only customization for the scene render (and hence derivation)
// is to be able to set the background color.
simpleViewRenderSceneRender::simpleViewRenderSceneRender(const MString &name)
: MSceneRender( name )
// Background color override. We get the current colors from the
// renderer and use them
bool gradient = renderer->useGradient();
MColor color1 = renderer->clearColor();
MColor color2 = renderer->clearColor2();
float c1[4] = { color1[0], color1[1], color1[2], 1.0f };
float c2[4] = { color2[0], color2[1], color2[2], 1.0f };
mClearOperation.setClearColor( c1 );
mClearOperation.setClearColor2( c2 );
mClearOperation.setClearGradient( gradient);
return mClearOperation;