C++ API Reference
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// Produces the command "volumeLight".
// Demonstrates the use of the MFnVolumeLight class.
// This example creates a volume light, then queries and sets a number of its attributes.
// Example:
// volumeLight;
// volumeLight -a $arc -c $coneEndRadius -e $emitAmbient;
#include <math.h>
#include <maya/MIOStream.h>
#include <maya/MSimple.h>
#include <maya/MFnNurbsCurve.h>
#include <maya/MPointArray.h>
#include <maya/MDoubleArray.h>
#include <maya/MPoint.h>
#include <maya/MRampAttribute.h>
#include <maya/MFnVolumeLight.h>
#include <maya/MFloatArray.h>
#include <maya/MIntArray.h>
#include <maya/MColorArray.h>
#include <maya/MColor.h>
DeclareSimpleCommand( volumeLight, PLUGIN_COMPANY, "5.0");
#define EQUAL(a,b) ( (((a-b) > -0.00001) && ((a-b) < 0.00001)) ? 1 : 0 )
MStatus volumeLight::doIt( const MArgList& args )
MStatus stat;
double arc = 180.0f;
double coneEndRadius = 0.0f;
bool emitAmbient = true;
unsigned i;
// Parse the arguments.
for ( i = 0; i < args.length(); i++ )
if ( MString( "-a" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
arc = tmp;
else if ( MString( "-c" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
double tmp = args.asDouble( ++i, &stat );
if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
coneEndRadius = tmp;
else if ( MString( "-e" ) == args.asString( i, &stat )
&& MS::kSuccess == stat)
bool tmp = args.asBool( ++i, &stat );
if ( MS::kSuccess == stat )
emitAmbient = tmp;
light.create( true, &stat);
cout<<"What's up?";
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error creating light."<<endl;
return stat;
stat = light.setArc ((float)arc);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error setting \"arc\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
stat = light.setVolumeLightDirection (volumeLightDirection);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error setting \"volumeLightDirection\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
stat = light.setConeEndRadius ((float)coneEndRadius);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error setting \"coneEndRadius\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
stat = light.setEmitAmbient (emitAmbient);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error setting \"emitAmbient\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
stat = light.setLightShape (lightShape);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error setting \"lightShape\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
double arcGet = light.arc (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || arcGet != arc)
cout<<"Error getting \"arc\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
MFnVolumeLight::MLightDirection volumeLightDirectionGet = light.volumeLightDirection (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || volumeLightDirectionGet != volumeLightDirection)
cout<<"Error getting \"volumeLightDirection\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
double coneEndRadiusGet = light.coneEndRadius (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || coneEndRadiusGet != coneEndRadius)
cout<<"Error getting \"coneEndRadius\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
bool emitAmbientGet = light.emitAmbient (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || emitAmbientGet != emitAmbient)
cout<<"Error getting \"emitAmbient\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
MFnVolumeLight::MLightShape lightShapeGet = light.lightShape (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat || lightShapeGet != lightShape)
cout<<"Error getting \"lightShape\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Get reference to the penumbra ramp.
MRampAttribute ramp = light.penumbraRamp (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error getting \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
MIntArray c,d;
// Get the entries in the ramp
ramp.getEntries (d, a, b, c, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// There should be 2 entries by default.
if (d.length() != 2)
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
MFloatArray a1, b1;
// Prepare an array of entries to add.
// In this case we are just adding 1 more entry
// at position 0.5 with a curve value of 0.25 and a linear interpolation.
a1.append (0.5f);
b1.append (0.25f);
// Add it to the curve ramp
ramp.addEntries (a1, b1, c1, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error adding entries to \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Get the entries to make sure that the above add actually worked.
MFloatArray a2, b2;
MIntArray c2,d2;
ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( a.length() + a1.length() != a2.length())
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Now try to interpolate the value at a point
float newVal = -1;
ramp.getValueAtPosition(.3f, newVal, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error interpolating value from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( !EQUAL(newVal, .15f))
cout<<"Invalid interpolation in \"penumbraRamp\" expected .15 got "<<newVal
<<" ."<<endl;
// Try to delete an entry in an incorrect manner.
// This delete will work because there is an entry at 0,
// However we should never do it this way, because the entries
// array can become sparse, so trying to delete an entry without
// checking whether an entry exists at that index can cause a failure.
MIntArray entriesToDelete;
entriesToDelete.append (0);
ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Check to see whether the above delete worked.
// As mentioned earlier it did work, but we shouldn't do it this way.
// To illustrate why we shouldn't do it this way, we'll try to delete
// entry at index 0 ( this no longer exists)
ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
if ( a2.length() != 2)
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Trying to delete entry at 0.
entriesToDelete.append (0);
ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
// It will fail because no entry exists.
if ( MS::kSuccess == stat)
cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( a2.length() != 2)
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// The proper way to delete is to retrieve the index by calling "getEntries"
ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
entriesToDelete.append (d2[0]);
// Delete the first logical entry in the entry array.
ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// There should be only 1 entry left.
ramp.getEntries (d2, a2, b2, c2, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
entriesToDelete.append (d2[0]);
// Can't delete the last entry, should return failure.
ramp.deleteEntries (entriesToDelete, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess == stat)
cout<<"Error deleting entries from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
ramp.setPositionAtIndex (0.0f, d2[0], &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
printf("Error setting position at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
return stat;
ramp.setValueAtIndex (1.0f, d2[0], &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
printf("Error setting value at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
return stat;
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
printf("Error setting interpolation at index: %d, of \"penumbraRamp\" attribute.\n", d2[0]);
return stat;
MRampAttribute ramp2 = light.colorRamp (&stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error getting \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
MIntArray c3,d3;
// Get the entries in the ramp
ramp2.getEntries (d3, a3, b3, c3, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// There should be 2 entries by default.
if ( d3.length() != 2)
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Prepare an array of entries to add.
// In this case we are just adding 1 more entry
// at position 0.5 withe curve value of 0.5 and a linear interpolation.
a4.append (0.5f);
b4.append (MColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.75f));
// Add it to the curve ramp
ramp2.addEntries (a4, b4, c4, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error adding entries to \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Get the entries to make sure that the above add actually worked.
MIntArray c5,d5;
ramp2.getEntries (d5, a5, b5, c5, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( a3.length() + a4.length() != a5.length())
cout<<"Invalid number of entries in \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Now try to interpolate the color at a point
MColor newCol(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
ramp2.getColorAtPosition(.3f, newCol, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat )
cout<<"Error interpolating color from \"penumbraRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( !EQUAL(newCol[2], .45))
cout<<"Invalid color interpolation in \"colorRamp\" expected .45 got "<<newCol[2]<<endl;
MColor clr (0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
ramp2.setColorAtIndex (clr, d5[0], &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error setting color at index: "<<d5[0]
<<", of \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error setting interpolation at index: "<<d5[1]
<<", of \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// The following demonstrates some of the new methods of the MRampAttribute API
MIntArray indices;
MColorArray colors;
MIntArray interps;
ramp2.getEntries( indices, pos, colors, interps, &stat);
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error getting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<colors.length(); i++)
colors[i] = colors[i]*2;
// set color ramp with new values
stat = ramp2.setRamp( colors, pos, interps );
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error setting values on \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// sort entries by position, this will regenerate the indices back from 0
stat = ramp2.sort( true );
if ( MS::kSuccess != stat)
cout<<"Error sorting entries from \"colorRamp\" attribute."<<endl;
return stat;
// Check for valid indices before setting interpolation types
if ( ramp2.hasIndex( 0 ) )
if ( ramp2.hasIndex( 56 ) )
return stat;