Go to: Synopsis. Return value. Keywords. Flags. Python examples.


deformerEvaluator([active=boolean], [asNodeName=boolean], [asText=boolean], [chains=boolean], [deformerChain=boolean], [deformers=boolean], [dumpInfo=boolean], [list=boolean], [members=boolean], [meshes=boolean], [message=boolean], [nodeInfo=boolean], [nodeStatus=boolean], [partition=boolean], [verbose=boolean])

Note: Strings representing object names and arguments must be separated by commas. This is not depicted in the synopsis.

deformerEvaluator is NOT undoable, queryable, and NOT editable.

Print debug information about deformer evaluator status. In query mode the debug information is returned as a string[], otherwise the information is displayed in the script editor.

Return value

string[]the debug information when query mode is used.

In query mode, return type is based on queried flag.


OpenCL, debug


active, asNodeName, asText, chains, deformerChain, deformers, dumpInfo, list, members, meshes, message, nodeInfo, nodeStatus, partition, verbose
Long name (short name) Argument types Properties
active(act) boolean createquery
Modifier to specify that instead of the current selection all active nodes on the GPU should be queried.
asNodeName(nm) boolean createquery
Modifier to specify that when a certain node attribute is queried it should return the name of the node instead. This is useful when querying multiple nodes at a time and the results need to be lined up with the node names.
asText(txt) boolean createquery
Modifier to specify that when the node state is queried the state should be returned as text instead of a numeric code
chains(c) boolean createquery
List information about all supported deformation chains.
deformerChain(dch) boolean createquery
Query the state of the nodes in the deformation chain of the specified meshes.
deformers(d) boolean createquery
Return a list of all currently registered GPU deformers.
dumpInfo(di) boolean createquery
List information about all supported deformation chains as JSON.
list(ls) boolean createquery
Return a list of nodes that are currently active on the GPU.
members(mbr) boolean createquery
Return the names of the nodes that are in the same cluster as the specified nodes.
meshes(m) boolean createquery
Modifier to specify that only meshes need to be queried.
message(msg) boolean createquery
Return the messages associated with the specified nodes.
nodeInfo(ni) boolean createquery
List all the information gathered during partitioning about the selected nodes
nodeStatus(ns) boolean createquery
Return the state of the node on the GPU. When queried it will return a numeric code unless the asText flag is used as well.
partition(prt) boolean createquery
Flag to force a repartition (for debug purposes only)
verbose(v) boolean createquery
Print more verbose information of other flags.

Flag can appear in Create mode of command Flag can appear in Edit mode of command
Flag can appear in Query mode of command Flag can have multiple arguments, passed either as a tuple or a list.

Python examples

import maya.cmds as cmds

# List all registered GPU deformers.
cmds.deformerEvaluator( deformers=True )

# List all nodes that are on the GPU
cmds.deformerEvaluator( ls=True )

# List all meshes that are on the GPU
cmds.deformerEvaluator( ls=True, m=True )

# List information about selected nodes
cmds.deformerEvaluator( )

# List information about selected meshes
cmds.deformerEvaluator( m=True )

# List deformation chain information about selected meshes
cmds.deformerEvaluator( dch=True )

# List all the deformation chains of all meshes that are active on the GPU
cmds.deformerEvaluator( dch=True, act=True )

# List the names of the nodes that are in the same cluster(s) as the specified nodes.
cmds.deformerEvaluator( mbr=True )

# List the messages associated with the selected nodes.
cmds.deformerEvaluator( msg=True )

# List all active deformation chains.
cmds.deformerEvaluator( chains=True )

# Return all active clusters in JSON format.
cmds.deformerEvaluator(query=True, dumpInfo=True);