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This node provides the attributes common to all deformations. Deformations can deform multiple pieces of input geometry (or component parts of geometry). Each distinct piece of input geometry (or part thereof) has an associated output.

Node nameParentsClassificationMFn typeCompatible function sets

Related nodes


Attributes (15)

componentTagExpression, envelope, envelopeWeights, envelopeWeightsList, fchild1, fchild2, fchild3, function, groupId, input, inputGeometry, map64BitIndices, originalGeometry, outputGeometry, weightFunction

Long name (short name)TypeDefaultFlags
envelope (en) float1outputinputconnectablestorablekeyable
How much of the deformation should be applied. 0.0 means no deformation at all; 1.0 means the full deformation.
envelopeWeightsList (ocw) compoundn/aarrayoutputconnectable
Weight as they are used by deformer. This include the enveloppe, weight List and weight function.
envelopeWeights (owt) float1.0arrayoutputconnectable
Weight as they are used by deformer. This include the enveloppe, weight List and weight function. Weight per deformed vertex index. If deforming only a subset, the array will be sparse.
function (f) long3inputconnectablehidden
For Internal Use Only
fchild1 (f1) integer0inputconnectablehidden
For Internal Use Only
fchild2 (f2) integer0inputconnectablehidden
For Internal Use Only
fchild3 (f3) integer0inputconnectablehidden
For Internal Use Only
input (ip) compoundn/aarrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
The geometry/groupId bundled input array
inputGeometry (ig) geometrynullptroutputinputconnectablestorable
The geometry input
groupId (gi) integer0outputinputconnectable
The group id input
componentTagExpression (gtg) stringTmultiSharedObject::create<TdataString>"*"outputinputconnectablestorable
Component tag expression to define the subset of geometry it is affecting
map64BitIndices (map) longArrayemptyoutputinputconnectablestorable
This is a mapping of single 32 bit indices to 64 bit values. Currently only used where a 64 bit value is needed to uniquely specify a vertex, which is rare. For most objects whose vertices are 32 bit values, such as NURBS curves, NURBS surfaces, poly meshes, and lattices, this attribute is empty.
originalGeometry (orggeom) geometrynullptrarrayoutputinputconnectablestorable
Original geometry used to bind
outputGeometry (og) geometrynullptrarrayoutputconnectable
The geometry output array
weightFunction (wfl) weightFunctionnullptrarrayoutputinputconnectable
Function that would return a list weights given a list of points