USD Layer Editor options menu
Display toggle options appear as you click Options in the USD Layer Editor.
Auto-Hide Session Layer
Each USD stage is created with a session layer which provides a "scratch space" to configure, override and experiment with layer edits. To learn more, see session layer in the Pixar USD Glossary.
When auto-hide session layer is unchecked, the session layer is always visible.
By default, the auto-hide session layer is checked. When auto-hide session layer is checked, the session layer is only visible for the following reasons:
- the session layer is not empty
- the session layer is the target layer

Specify your USD save file format. Choose between one of the two following supported file format options:
- Binary (default): Choose binary to save your file as .usdc, which is optimized for machine-readability.
- ASCII: Choose ASCII to save your file as .usda, which is optimized for human-readability.