New Environment Variables

New Environment Variables have been added to give you control over a range of specialized behaviors.

Camera Sequencer
A new Environment Variable, MAYA_ALLOW_REFERENCED_CAMERA_SEQUENCER, has been created for the Camera Sequencer.
A problem that occurred when shots in the scene became connected to camera sequencer nodes used in a referenced file has been addressed. This Environment Variable lets you restore the earlier behavior.
Export support for .hikc v1
A new environment variable, MAYA_WRITE_HIK_V1, allows Maya to export .hikc files from recent Maya versions while running the 2017 HIK runtime. See also General Variables.
Maya 2018 implemented an updated version of .hikc that included additional roll joints that were unavailable in the 2017 HIK runtime. This new environment variable is of note for anyone who uses the deprecated Autodesk Gameware HumanIK middleware to load .hikc definition files.
Obtain your own crash error reports

If you are using Maya on Windows, you can now obtain crash error reports (CER) by writing a custom executable to handle this data. Set the MAYA_USER_CER_APP environment variable to the path of your executable, and Maya will provide the necessary command line arguments to call your CER handler when a crash occurs. See also General Variables.

OCIO and color management
Refer to Rendering variables for information about environment variables that affect color management, including how to use MAYA_COLOR_MANAGEMENT_SYNCOLOR to enable the legacy SynColor mode for use with renderers that do not support OCIO v2.
Run Viewport 2.0 in OpenGL mode on a remote desktop

If you have an Nvidia GeForce or Nvidia Quadro graphics card, you can now run Viewport 2.0 in OpenGL - Core Profile (Strict) or OpenGL - Core Profile (Compatibility) mode on a remote desktop by setting the MAYA_ALLOW_OPENGL_REMOTE_SESSION environment variable to 1.

If you have an Nvidia GeForce card, you also need to download a tool from Nvidia. See Rendering environment variables for more information.