Correcting Rigid body quality

To correct the rigid body quality:

  1. Select the Rigid body you want to correct from the Rigid Body list.
  2. Examine the Quality Bar and look for a pure black, or close to pure black region.
  3. Step through the markers that comprise the selected Rigid body to find the marker containing bad data. Double-click to select each marker individually.

    The marker with the segment that contains bad data should have a peak or jump that matches the black region.

  4. Move the Timeline indicator inside the segment with the bad data.
  5. M-click on the start or end of the data segment and drag until the peak disappears.

    The area between either the edge of the original data segment and its start or end is colored light green.

    Note: To extend a data segment or gap in the Optical editor, M-click and drag on the edge of the area to be increased.

    The light green segment is re-interpolated, removing the noise and updating the Quality Bar. Continue searching for other black areas at the start or end of data segments.