Animation Layer context menu

Right-clicking a layer in the Animation Layer editor displays a context menu with the following options:

Option Function
New Layer Creates an empty animation layer. See Creating an animation layer.
Mute Mutes the selected layer so that its animation does not play in the result. See Muting, Soloing, and Locking animation layers.
Solo Mutes other layers at the same level in the hierarchy, so that only the selected layer plays in the result animation. See Muting, Soloing, and Locking animation layers.
Lock Locks the layer so that it cannot receive keyframes. See Muting, Soloing, and Locking animation layers.
Rename Lets you rename the selected layer. You can also rename a selected layer using the Label property in the Properties window.
Note: When renaming layers, do not use spaces if you plan to export your animation to other software such as Autodesk Maya.
Cut Removes selected layer(s) from the layer stack, and stores them in memory. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-X to cut selected layer(s).
Copy Copies the selected layer(s) and stores them in memory. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C to copy selected layer(s). See Copying animation layers.
Paste Inserts cut or copied layer(s) above the current layer. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-V to paste layers.
Delete Deletes the selected layer(s). See Deleting or emptying animation layers.
Note: The BaseAnimation layer cannot be deleted.
Merge Opens the Merge dialog box, which lets you merge animation to a new layer or to the BaseAnimation layer. See Merging animation layers.
Clear Animation on Layer Deletes all the keyframes on selected layer(s). See Deleting or emptying animation layers.
Layer Mode Lets you set the layer to Additive, Override, or Override-Passthrough blending modes. See Setting the animation layer modes and Animation layer modes.
Layer Accumulation Lets you set the layer to Per Layer or Per Channel accumulation modes. The Layer Accumulation modes affect how MotionBuilder calculates Rotation animation and the one you select can change the result animation. When you select Per Layer, the keyframes set for rotation are calculated according to layer first, and property second. When you select Per Channel, the keyframes set for rotation are calculated according to property first, and layer second. See Accumulation modes and Setting the animation layer modes.