Keyframing objects on animation layers

Setting keyframes on animation layers is nearly the same as regular keyframing. After you have created and selected the current layer, you can keyframe in your scene as usual.

As you manipulate layers in the Animation Layer Editor, some color and font changes show you their status. A layer that is selected is highlighted in light green. A layer that is muted displays dark gray. Similarly, if you solo a layer, other layers are muted and become dark gray. When a layer is locked, its name displays in italics. The layer that receives keyframes is bright green in the Animation Layer editor and is selected in the Key Control’s Layer menu.

To keyframe on animation layers:

  1. Select the model or asset you want to animate.
  2. Select the property or properties you want to animate. For example, from the Key Controls window, you can select the TRS keying mode to set keyframes for translation, rotation, and scaling properties.
  3. In the Animation Layer editor, click the AnimLayer1 to make it current.

    The current layer displays bright green and can receive keyframes.

  4. Tip: To make a layer current, you can also select it from the Layer menu in the Key Controls window.
  5. Manipulate and keyframe objects and properties in your scene as usual. See Animating an object.
    Note: As you animate, create as many layers as you need. See Creating animation layers.