Floor Contact

There are two components involved in creating a character that respects the boundaries of a defined floor. First, there are floor contact markers and finger and toe tips that define what parts of a character’s hands, feet, fingers, and toes interact with a floor. Second, there is an object assigned to the character that represents the level and orientation of the floor.

Once you have activated and defined the floor contact for the character’s hands and feet, you can customize the actual floor those markers come in contact with. If you do not define a floor, the character’s hands and feet treat the plane at 0 on the Y-axis as the floor.

The settings in the Floor Contacts group let you define how you want the feet, hands, fingers, and toes of a character to react when they come in contact with the floor of your scene.

Character Settings pane A. Floor Contacts group of properties

Floor Contact behavior

Lets you select which method of solving the Control rig uses when the feet or hands of a character come in contact with the floor.

Floor Contact Behavior lets you choose when the IK and FK Control rigs are synchronized, which affects how hands and feet react to manipulation after floor contact. Floor Contact Behavior includes the following three options:

Option Function
Never Sync Similar to the Automatic toe and finger base features, but lets you manipulate a character’s fingers and toes as they are lifted after floor contact. The FK and IK Control rigs are not synchronized.
Always Sync Always synchronizes the FK and IK Control rigs and retains the foot or hand position after floor contact, not allowing toe or finger manipulation.
Sync on Key Similar to the Never Sync option, Sync on Key makes the foot or hand retain its position after floor contact if you set a keyframe while it is on the floor. The FK and IK control rigs are synchronized only when a keyframe is set.

Hands Floor Contact

Activate Hands Floor Contact to prevent the hands of your model from going through the floor. The options within the Hands Floor Contact Setup folder let you adjust how hands make contact with the floor.

See Hands Floor Contact Setup properties.

Feet Floor Contact

Activate Feet Floor Contact to prevent the feet of your model from going through the floor. The options within the Feet Floor Contact Setup folder let you adjust how feet make contact with the floor.

See Feet Floor Contact Setup properties.

Fingers Floor Contact

Activate Fingers Floor Contact to prevent the fingers of your model from going through the floor. The settings within the Fingers Floor Contact Setup folder let you adjust every aspect of how fingers make contact with the floor.

See Fingers Floor Contact Setup properties.

Toes Floor Contact

Activate Toes Floor Contact to prevent the toes of your model from going through the floor. The options within the Toes Floor Contact Setup folder let you adjust every aspect of how toes make contact with the floor.

See Toes Floor Contact Setup properties.