You can add objects to groups to help you keep your scene organized.
To add an object to a group:
- Select a group in the Groups list.
- Select the objects you want to add to that set from the Viewer window.
- Click Update to save the new objects to the group.
To remove an object from a group:
- Select the object to be disassociated from its group in the Groups folder of the Scene browser.
- Right-click the object and select Detach x From y Group in the context menu, where x is the name of the object and y is the name of the group to which it belongs.
To remove multiple objects from a group:
- Select a group in the Groups list.
The objects in the group are selected in the Viewer window.
- Deselect (Ctrl-click) the objects you want to remove in the Viewer window.
- Click Update in the Groups window to save the changes to your group.