Prepare the scene

In the following procedure, you prepare the MotionBuilder scene, open and save the file required to start this tutorial.

To prepare the scene:

  1. From the menu bar, choose File New.

    An empty 3D scene is created.

  2. From the menu bar, choose Layout Editing.

    Layout options

    Note: The default layout is set to Editing.

    The Editing layout displays all the user interface you need to complete this tutorial.

  3. In the Asset Browser Resources window, click the Tutorials folder.

    The contents of the Tutorials folder appear in the display pane, in Thumbnails display by default.

    Tutorial assets displayed in thumbnails

  4. In the Asset Browser display pane, click the mia_blue asset (mia_blue.fbx file) and drag the asset in the Viewer window.

    The FBX Open context menu displays.

  5. Select FBX Open <No Animation>.

    In the Viewer window, a model named Mia appears in the T-stance.

    Mia in the T-stance

    Note: This model was created in Autodesk Maya, and the bones were named according to the bone naming conventions in the MotionBuilder Mapping list.
  6. From the menu bar, choose File Save As.

    The Save File window appears.

  7. Navigate to a directory other than the default MotionBuilder Tutorials directory where you want to save the file and click Save.

    The Save Options dialog box appears.

    Save Options

  8. Click Save.

    Choosing to save the file to a directory other than the default MotionBuilder Tutorials directory ensures you do not overwrite the original .fbx file.