SteeringWheels context menu

Right-click the SteeringWheel to open the SteeringWheels context menu.

Option Function
Mini view object Displays the mini version of the View Object wheel. See View Object wheels for more information.
Mini tour building Displays the mini version of the Tour Building wheel. See Tour Building wheels for more.
Mini navigator Displays the mini version of the Full Navigation wheel. See Navigation wheels for more information.
Full view object Displays the View Object wheel. See View Object wheels for more information.
Full tour building Displays the Tour Building wheel. See Tour Building wheels for more information.
Full navigator Displays the Full Navigator wheel. See Navigation wheels for more information.
Increase walk speed Increases the walk speed used for the Walk tool by two times.
Decrease walk speed Decreases the walk speed used for the Walk tool by one half.
Close Closes the SteeringWheels. (Press Ctrl-Shift-N to reopen it.)