Aim constraint settings

Use the Aim constraint to make an object point in the direction of another object, creating an effect similar to a camera interest.

The Aim constraint

The Aim constraint requires the following objects:

Constrained object

An asset, model, or other object whose orientation derives from the Aim At Object(s) position. Also known as the “child” object.

Aim at object(s)

Object from which the position of the constrained object is derived. You can have multiple Aim At objects for this constraint.

World Up object

Lets you select an asset, model, or other object whose orientation defines the Up rotation for the object.

Note: It is not necessary to specify a World Up Object for the Aim constraint to function.

Properties settings

The following Aim constraint settings are found only in the Properties window when the constraint is selected in the Scene browser:

Properties window setting Function
Aim Vector Lets you set a specific XYZ axis for the constrained object to orient towards. Expand Aim Vector to view the individual X, Y, and Z axes.
Up Vector Lets you set a specific XYZ axis for the object whose orientation defines the Up rotation for the object. Expand Up Vector to view the individual X, Y, and Z axes.
Rotation Offset Lets you set a specific XYZ offset for the object whose orientation defines the Up rotation for the object. Expand Rotation Offset to view the individual X, Y, and Z axes.
World Up Type An asset, model, or other object whose orientation defines the Up for the object. See World Up type settings for information about what objects you can specify as a World Up Type.
Up Vector Lets you specify an X, Y, or Z coordinate for the Up Vector.
World Up Object Lets you assign an asset. model, or other object whose orientation defines the Up for the constrained object. This is the same setting as the World Up Object cell in the Navigator window Aim constraint settings. This setting is active when either Object Up or Object Rotation Up is selected at the World Up Type.
Constraint Axes Activate the Affect X, Y, or Z axis option to assign which axis the Aim constraint takes effect on.
[Object] Weight Adjust the Weight setting(s) to set the amount of influence the Source object has over the constrained objects, letting you create constraint “blends”. Each Aim At object has a Weight slider so you can modify its offset.