Changing the background and grid colors

You can change the colors of the background and grid, which you view in the Viewer window. The scene that you view in the Viewer window is always viewed through a camera view (see Camera view). Therefore, the background color depends on which camera you are currently using to view the scene (referred to as the current camera).

You can show or hide the grid of a scene using the Camera settings as well (see Showing the Viewer window grid), but can change the color of the grid only from the Preferences window.

See Camera settings.

To change the background color:

  1. In the Scene browser, double-click on the current camera to view its settings.
  2. In the Camera Settings pane, use the Background Color settings to change the color.

    Navigator window A. Current camera selected in Scene browser B. Background Color settings in Camera Settings pane

To change the grid color:

  1. From the menu bar, select Settings > Preferences.
  2. In the Preferences window, click the Viewer preference option.

    Viewer preference settings

  3. Change the grid color using the Grid Color settings.