Numerical function expressions

The following are expressions of numerical functions:

ABS Description
Returns The absolute value of a number or cell.
Syntax abs(number)
ACOS Description
Returns The arccosine of a number. Number is the cosine of the angle you want.
Syntax acos(number)
ASIN Description
Returns The arcsine of a number. Number is the sine of the angle you want.
Syntax asin(number)
ATAN Description
Returns The arctangent of a number. Number is the tangent of the angle you want.
Syntax atan(number)
ATAN2 Description
Returns The arctangent from X and Y coordinates.Number1 is the X-coordinate of the point.Number2 is the Y-coordinate of the point.
Syntax atan2(number1,number2)
COS Description
Returns The cosine of a number. Angle is the angle in radians for which you want the cosine.
Syntax cos(angle)
DEG2RAD Description
Converts Degrees to radians. Angle is the angle in degrees that you want to convert.
Syntax deg2rad(angle)
EXP Description
Purpose Number is the exponent applied to the base value e.
Syntax exp(number)
INTEGER Description
Purpose Rounds numerical values down to the next full digit.
Syntax integer
LN Description
Returns The natural logarithm of a number. Number is the positive real number for which you want the natural logarithm.
Syntax ln(number)
LOG Description
Returns The base-10 logarithm of a number. Number is the positive real number for which you want the base-10 logarithm.
Syntax log(number)
ONEOVER Description
Returns The result of 1/number. Number is the positive real number for which you want 1/number.
Syntax oneover(number)
PULL NUMBER Description
Purpose Continuously takes the value from the input parameter and stores the result in its internal buffer, which is then used as the Result value. This gives you the same value as the last evaluation.
Syntax pull
Purpose Cuts the number at a specified precision value, for example, if a = 12.36 and the assigned precision value is 0.1, then the output is 12.30.
Syntax precision(number)
RAD2DEG Description
Purpose Converts radians to degrees. Angle is the angle (in radians) that you want to convert.
Syntax rad2deg(angle)
SIN Description
Returns The sine of the given angle. Angle is the angle in radians for which you want the sine.
Syntax sin(angle)
SQRT Description
Returns A positive square root. Number is the number for which you want the square root.
Syntax sqrt(number)
TAN Description
Returns The tangent of a number. Number is the angle in radians for which you want the tangent.
Syntax tan(number)