Set ghost display properties

When you show ghosts (Show Ghost turned on, see Show ghosts in Story) for Story tracks and clips, you can set properties to specify how long the ghost displays as well as in which frames the ghosts display in the Viewer.

  1. Select the Story track containing the clips you are showing.
  2. In the Properties pane of the Resources window, expand Ghosts.
  3. Select Clip Ghost Mode (named Show Ghost Mode in previous versions of MotionBuilder) and choose one the following options:
    • Always — to show ghosts for all the clips.
    • Based on time cursor — to show ghosts relative to the current frame position of the Timeline indicator.

      The positioning of the clips, for example previous, is relative to the current time in the Timeline.

    • Custom — to show ghosts at a specified frame.
  4. (For Custom only) Select Ghost Custom Time and type the frame number you want the ghost to display.