Visual keyframe feedback

Visual keyframes can display with different colors. They can be completely one color or partly colored.

When keyframes are completely colored, they are related to a clip of the same color in the Story window.

A keyframe with a colored tip indicates that it was set in either the Full Body keying mode, Body Part keying mode, or on a Character Extension. These partly colored keyframes come in three colors, which indicate the following:

Keyframe tip color Indicates
Red The keyframe is set in Full Body keying mode. It also indicates that all body parts are keyed at the current time. If you edit a red keyframe, it may turn green.
Green The keyframe is set in Body Part keying mode on one body part or many body parts. A green-tipped keyframe can also indicate that it is set on Character Extensions and body parts.
Yellow The keyframe is set on one Character Extension or multiple Character Extensions.

In the Transport Controls window, right-click the timeline and select Visual Keys > Show Key Hint to display or hide color feedback on visual keyframes.