Using animation layer weighting in a Relations constraint

You can use animation layer weighting in a Relations constraint, which is a useful a way to control a layer's weight.

To use an Animation Layer to a Relations constraint

  1. Animate the weight of an Animation Layer with the Animation Layer editor Weight slider. (See Keyframing the weight of Animation Layers.)
  2. Drag a Relations constraint asset from the Asset browser into the Viewer window.

    The Navigator window displays the Constraint settings, and the constraint is added to the Scene browser.

  3. From the Navigator window, expand the Constraint Takes folder, and drag the Animation Layer into the Relations constraint.
    Note: You can only add Animation Layers to a Relations constraint through the Takes folder in the Navigator window. You cannot drag layers from the Animation Layer editor into the Relations pane.
  4. Set the Animation Layer as a Sender or Receiver object, use other objects to drive the Weight value or use the Weight to drive other properties.
Note: Like other Relations constraint objects, avoid creating loops. For example, if you were using the position of a cube to drive the weight value of a layer, the cube moves erratically if the position of the driver cube is also affected by the same layer.