Creating cluster shapes

These are general guidelines for creating shapes from groups of clusters. Once clusters are grouped, they can be mapped to expressions from the Shapes Mapping pane, just like regular shapes.

To create cluster groups and cluster shapes:

  1. Load a head model with clusters into the scene.

    Head model with cluster shapes

  2. Create cluster groups by doing the following:
    • Select any number of unused clusters, such as all the clusters for the mouth.
    • Alt-drag the selected clusters into the Cluster Groups menu of the Cluster Shapes Creation pane, as shown in the following figure.

      A cluster group is created. If you attempt to create a cluster group with a cluster already added to another cluster group, a dialog box appears. Each cluster can only belong to one cluster group.

      Facial Tool: Warning dialog box

  3. Rename the cluster group and click Add to add a shape to the Cluster Shapes list.
  4. Translate, rotate, and scale the clusters belonging to the cluster group to define the Cluster Shape.
    Note: Make sure that the Active option is disabled to be to transform clusters.
  5. Click Snap for each shape.

    Only clusters belonging to the selected Cluster Group are defined as the shape.

  6. To see the shapes you have created, click on their names in the Cluster Shapes list.