View area

The View area contains settings for how the camera view is supposed to appear. You can use the View area to hide the grid, display a timecode, or set a safe area.

Note: These changes affect the selected camera only.

Camera Interest

Activate Camera Interest to show or hide the Camera Interest that is represented by a separate object in the scene. You can select the Camera interest from the Schematic view or Viewer window.

Camera Near/Far Plane

Activate the Camera Near/Far Plane option to show or hide both the Near and Far clipping planes for the selected camera. The position of the Near and Far clipping planes are set using the Camera Format options. Showing the camera Near/Far plane.

Camera Label

Activate the Camera Label option to show or hide the text in the bottom left corner of the Viewer window, which indicates the name of the current camera.


Activate the Grid option to show or hide the grid located at coordinate 0 of the Y plane. By default, the grid is shown in all camera views.


Activate the Axis option to show or hide the XYZ axis in the left corner of the Viewer window. You may want to hide the axis to avoid confusion when your scene contains many Nulls that look similar to it.

Time Code

Activate the Time Code option to show or hide the local timecode in the Viewer window. You may want to hide the time code when you are not playing animation.


Activate the Center option to show or hide the center cross hair that marks the central point in the camera view.

Safe Area

The Safe Area is a set of guides that mark the area in which titles or animation/motion should be placed. Anything that falls outside of these guides may be cropped when transferring to video.

Select Square or Round Safe Area from the Safe Area menu, then activate the Safe Area option to show or hide the Safe area in the Viewer window.

A. Square Safe area B. Rounded Safe area

Note: If you do not observe Safe areas, titles and animation may be cropped when transferring to video.