Chain IK properties

The following Chain IK constraint properties are included with bones when you use the Chain IK constraint.

Note: The list appears for Chain IK on bones created in Maya.

Chain IK constraints bone properties

Chain IK Setting Description Note
Rotation Stiffness X, Y, Z The current node's resistance to movement. Rotation Stiffness can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes.
Min Damp Range X, Y, Z The angle used by the IK chain to create resistance for joint movement when it approaches the lower boundary or the minimum of its limits. The Min Damp Range can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes. Use the Min Damp Range setting to create slow joint motion until the joint reaches its movement limits and comes to a gradual stop.
Note: You must have Degrees of Freedom (DOF) set to use this property.
Note: Use the Min Damp Strength setting to set the rate of deceleration of the joint movement.
Max Damp Range X, Y, Z The angle used by the IK chain to create resistance for joint movement when it approaches the upper boundary or the maximum of its limits. The Max Damp Range can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes. Use the Max Damp Range settings to create slow joint motion until the joint reaches its movement limits and comes to a gradual stop.
Note: You must have Degrees of Freedom (DOF) set to use this property. Note: Use the Max Damp Strength settings to set the rate of deceleration.
Max Damp Strength X, Y, Z The IK chain’s resistance to joint movement as it approaches the upper boundary or the maximum of its limits. The Max Damp Strength can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes. Use the Max Damp Strength setting to define the Max Damp Range’s deceleration.
Min Damp Strength X, Y, Z The IK chain’s resistance to joint movement as it approaches the lower boundary or the minimum of its limits. The Min Damp Strength can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes. Use the Min Damp Strength setting to define the Min Damp Range’s deceleration.
Preferred Angle X, Y, Z The preferred rotations of the joint. The Preferred Angle can be set in the X, Y, and Z axes. In the Chain IK Constraint Settings, click Snap to set all nodes to their current rotation value.
Note: These settings work only with chains containing more than two bones.
Set Preferred Angle Defines and applies the preferred rotations of the joint in the X, Y, and Z axes that are defined in the Preferred Angle X, Y, and Z settings. When you build a skeleton, you should create the joints so they are oriented at the angles you would want them to move in during IK.