Parent-child constraint settings

The Parent-Child constraint creates a parent-to-child relationship between any two objects, from any two hierarchies.

Parent Child constraint

The Parent/Child constraint requires the following objects:

Constrained object (child object)

Inherits translation and rotation from the source object (parent), but not scaling.

Note: You can have multiple Constrained (child) objects in this constraint.

Source (parent object)

Sends translation and rotation information to the constrained object (child).

Note: You can have multiple Source (parent) objects in this constraint.

Properties settings

The following Parent/Child constraint settings are found only in the Properties window when the constraint is selected in the Scene browser:

Setting Description
Constraint Axes The Constraint Axes settings in the properties window let you choose on which axis the Parent/Child constraint takes effect. For example, you can activate only the translation on the X-axis and the rotation on the Y-axis, so that the constrained object is only affected when the Source (parent) object is moved from side to side or rotated up and down. You can also activate the Affect Scaling X, Y, and Z options so you can constrain the Scaling of the child object to the parent.
Scaling Affects Translation Activate this option if you want the Child object’s position to be affected when the Parent object is scaled.
(Parent) Offset T/R/S The (Parent) Offset T/R/S settings let you offset the Source (parent) object’s translation, rotation and scaling from the Child object. Expand each setting to enter values for the x, y, and z- positions.
(Parent) Weight The Constraint Source Weight settings let you set the weighting for the Source (parent) object(s) or the entire constraint, letting you create blends. You can also use these setting to create an offset between the child and parent object(s).