Create character clips

Lets you animate characters with keyframes and .fbx files. Work with character clips on character tracks in the Story window.

Before you can create a character clip, you must open a file containing a characterized character. See Character Animation.

To create a character clip, from the Asset browser, drag an .fbx file containing motion data or keyframe animation plotted to any characterized skeleton onto the Asset Track list.

A Character Track appears and a clip is created from the .fbx file.

You can also use keyframes to create a character clip. Your character must be characterized.

To create the clip using keyframes:

  1. Activate the Character track’s Animate option.
  2. Select and transform either the character’s skeleton or the effectors of the character’s Control rig
  3. Press K to set a keyframe.
  4. Move the Timeline indicator, transform the bones or effectors, and press K again.

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