Selecting and editing keyframes

In the FCurves window, selected keyframes display with tangent handles by default. The Value display shows the value of a selected property on the vertical axis, and its Time display on the horizontal axis.

A. Selected keyframe with tangent handles B. Value (0.00) of selected keyframe displayed in the Value display C. Time (frame 15) of selected keyframe displayed in the Time display

Selecting and deselecting keyframes on the Dopesheet Timeline area is similar to selecting and deselecting keyframes in the Transport Controls. You can only select one keyframe or keyframe region at a time in the Dopesheet window. When you select a keyframe or keyframe region in the Dopesheet window, it is not selected in the Transport Controls. For example, you can select one keyframe in the Transport Controls window and a separate keyframe region in the Dopesheet window. However, the result of any change to the keyframes on the Dopesheet Timeline area appear on the Action timeline, and vice versa.

The following describes methods for selecting, deselecting, and deleting keyframes.

To select keyframes:

  1. Click a single keyframe, or click-drag over several keyframes to include them in a keyframe region. You can also right-click and select the Select All or Select Keys in Box options in the context menu.
  2. Ctrl-click additional keyframes to create or expand a keyframe region.

To select a keyframe region:

To expand a selection region:

To deselect keyframes:

To deselect a keyframe region:

To delete a keyframe or keyframe region:

To cut, copy, and paste keyframes:

To navigate between keyframes:

To offset keyframe selections:

  1. Drag the region or its Time display to a location, or double-click the first Time display, type the frame you want the keyframe to move to.
    Note: To cancel the offset, click outside of the Time display before pressing Enter.
  2. Press Enter.

    If the Move Ripple option is activated, keyframes surrounding the region are pushed relative to the offset.

To stretch or shrink keyframe regions:

  1. Drag the region’s first or last keyframe or Time display to a location on the Action timeline, or double-click the region’s last Time display and enter the precise frame to which you want the region to stretch.
    Note: To cancel the stretch, click outside of the Time display before pressing Enter.
  2. Press Enter.

    If Stretch Ripple is activated, keyframes surrounding the region are offset according to the stretch.