Play the animation

To view the result of the animation you created in the previous procedures, play the animation.

To play the animation:

    Note: This procedure assumes you have just completed the previous procedure.

    See Mirror poses.

  1. In the Transport Controls window, click the Action timeline and then press Ctrl-Shift-A to frame the animation on the Action timeline to its full length of 24 frames.
  2. In the Transport Controls window, go to the Play Controls.

    Playback Controls

    Looping ( ) is disabled by default.

    The loop area is the take length.

  3. Click Loop.

    Loop shown activated

  4. Click Play ().

    As the animation plays, each loop shows a full walk cycle.

    The movement (in the animation) may be a bit choppy, and the feet may slide on the floor. You can smooth your movement by adjusting the animation’s function curves in the FCurves window.


In this tutorial, you created poses for a character, set keyframes for each pose at different points, and created a walk cycle.

Note: You can also create a loop if you want to create a walk cycle using the Story window.

In the next tutorial, Retargeting Character Animation, you retarget animation and a Character Extension from one character to another.