Miscellaneous functions and expressions

The following are miscellaneous expressions:

BUFFER Description
Returns The old value when current value is off.
Syntax1 buffer(vector,number) Vector is a vector. Number is a Boolean number, and can be switched on or off.
Syntax2 buffer(number1,number2) Number1 is a real number.Number2 is a Boolean number, and can be switched on or off.
DAMPING Description
Purpose Applies damping to a numerical value.
Syntax damping(number)
DAMP (Clock based) Description
Purpose Similar to Damping, except this expression is based on the MotionBuilder clock instead of the refresh rate. This relation is recommended over the Damp relation, as that makes your scene identical on every computer.
Syntax damp3dclockbased
DAMP (3D) (Clock based) Description
Purpose Similar to Damp (clock-based), except this expression is based on the Damp (3D) relation.
Syntax damp3dclockbased
DAMPING (3D) Description
Purpose Damps the position of a vector using a specified damping factor.
Syntax damping3d
Purpose Use this constraint to apply a precise value to every component of the vector: X, Y, and Z can each have different precision values.
Syntax precisionVector
Receives a (Number) and Precision (Number)
Sends Result (Number)
PULL VECTOR Description
Purpose Continuously pulls the vector from the input parameter and stores the result in the internal buffer, which is then used as the Result value. This value gives you the value of the last evaluation.
Syntax pullVector
PULSE Description
Purpose Sends an alternating stream of zeroes and ones at the specified frequency, for example: 010101010101.
Syntax pulse
Purpose Creates a trigger to add the increment/decrement.
Syntax triggeredplusminuscounter
Purpose Generates a random number on demand.
Syntax triggeredrandom