Job Manager

Click to review past and current simulation jobs, or to open a job.

The Job Manager window opens when a Part Scale Powder Bed or DED simulation begins, unless you have deselected the check box in the lower left corner, as shown below. When the simulation ends, results are automatically loaded into Simulation Utility.

Double-click a job to open it. A message appears if the file is no longer available, or if it used a custom PRM file that is not available.

Controls in the upper left of the dialog, and on the right-click menu are used as follows:

Caution: Once hidden, Jobs cannot be restored to the Job Manager.

The right-click menu provides additional controls, to Open the job, Cancel it, Hide it, View Logs, or Locate on disk, for accessing the directory of files associated with the simulation job.

You can adjust column widths, and click one of the column headings to sort the table rows by that value. For example, by clicking Time started, you can sort the jobs in chronological order.

If you start a local simulation or PRM generation when another job is already running, the following warning appears: