Export Compensated STL

Simulation-based STL files can be exported from completed part-scale thermo-mechanical simulations of powder bed builds. There are two primary reasons for exporting STL files:

Warpage magnification factor

This specifies the value to multiply all simulated displacements applied to the reference geometry. Negative values are used to create compensated STLs and positive values are used to create distorted STLs.


Specify which simulation increment to produce the warped STL from:

Warpage occurs after the part has been cooled to the final temperature and any optional heat treatment schedule. The last option, after removal of build plate and supports, is available only if support structures are present. A warped STL should only be created from this final increment if on the Solver Settings > Results tab, Structural Plasticity has been set to On. Otherwise, the excessive distortion after build plate removal will create an overly warped or compensated STL file.


Choose either the Binary format for a smaller file, or ASCII, which produces a human-readable file.


Specify a destination directory for the warped STL. You can use the browse button at the end of this field to select a directory.

Checkbox Options

Select Warp Support Structures if you want the exported STL file to include all support structures in the model. The warpage magnification factor will be applied to the support structures as well as to the part or parts. This option works for the Pre_Removal or Post_Plate_Removal option, and is intended for use with solid volume supports. Lattice or thin wall supports should be regenerated for the compensated STL.

Select Include 3MF if you want a file in 3MF format to be exported along with the STL file. The 3MF files created have improved connectivity and are compatible with the 3MF color functionality.

Tessellation Options

Maximum refinement levels

Specify the maximum number of times an edge can be subdivided. Increasing this value will provide more accurate representation of the modeled distortion, but will result in slower file generation and a larger STL file. For large, complex geometries it is recommended to decrease this from the default value.

Minimum and maximum edge length

Specify the shortest and longest edges allowed in the exported STL, respectively. Decreasing either edge length will take longer to export and produce a larger STL file. Increasing the allowable edge lengths will produce a smaller STL file, but may result in a poorer representation of the model results.

Refinement tolerance

Set a value to indicate how accurately the warped STL must represent the actual simulation results. Lower tolerance values will produce more accurate results, but at the expense of larger files and slower generation times.

When you click the Export button in the lower right, four files are exported to the destination specified as the STL export path, which is the project folder by default:

In these file names, # is replaced by the warpage magnification factor. If the files are exported from the increment after build plate removal, the Pre_Removal string is replaced by Post_Plate_Removal; If support structures are present, and the files are exported from the final increment, after build plate and structure removal, the file name includes the string Post_Support_Removal.