
After configuring all required settings, click this button to start a simulation. As the simulation starts, a progress bar displays in the lower right of the Simulation Utility, and Job Manager opens, unless you have previously deselected the checkbox in Job Manager, Open Job Manager when simulation begins. When the solution is finished, the results are loaded for your review.

If you navigate to the folder that contains your original model file, you will see a new set of files, each bearing the name of the part plus an appended string such as <part>, or <part>_mechanical.out. A ‘results’ folder is also created, containing files from the analysis. Some of these files can be used with the Local Simulation command-line interface to experiment with different simulation scenarios.

Solve Multiple Simulations in Batch Mode

You can use Local Simulation to run multiple simulations in batch mode and efficiently solve a series of analyses. In batch mode, another analysis will begin as soon as the previous one ends.

To run in batch mode

  1. Create a new text file named batch.cmd in your working directory.
  2. Use a notepad editor such as Notepad++ to open this text file.
  3. Add the following syntax:
    pan -b projectname_thermal
    pan -b projectname_mechanical

    where pan calls the solver, the -b option overwrites previously generated results, projectname_thermal is the name of the thermal input file, and projectname_mechanical is the name of the mechanical input file.

    Note: Do not include the file extensions with the input file names.
  4. Add more input files until all of your desired analyses are added.
  5. Save the text file and make sure the input files are stored in the same directory as the batch.cmd file.
  6. Double-click the batch.cmd file to begin the first analysis.

Note: Input files can be generated by clicking Solve in the Simulation Utility and using the Job Manager to kill the simulation.

Consider the example batch.cmd file below which lists six input files to be run consecutively:

pan -b example1_thermal
pan -b example1_mechanical
pan -b example2_thermal
pan -b example2_mechanical
pan -b example3_thermal
pan -b example4_thermal
Tip: If files are not already in the same directory, you can use terminal commands to change directories, as shown below:
pan –b example1_thermal
pan –b example1_mechanical
pan –b example2_thermal
pan –b example2_mechanical
cd \simulations\example3\
pan –b example3_thermal
pan –b example3_mechanical
cd \simulations\thermal_only\
pan –b example4_thermal