Filling - Checkerboard

A two-pass hatching with alternating fields

The checkerboard pattern fills a contour with rectangular fields of parallel hatch lines in a checkerboard pattern in a first pass. The same process is repeated to fill the gaps in a second pass. Only the contour geometry is used. Any hatches in the input are discarded.

Parameter Default Value Description
Hatch distance mandatory Distance between hatch lines.
Quad width, Quad height mandatory Size of the fields
Quad gap 0 Gap between the fields. A negative gap makes the fields overlap.
Angle 0 Rotates the hatching pattern around the counter-clockwise
Angle increment 90 Determines how much the angle is increased layer by layer.
Only each ... layer 1 Renders only those layers that are this interval apart, starting with the first layer
Layer offset 0 Specifies which layer is the first to be actually hatched when onlyeachlayer parameter is larger than 1. For example, when onlyeachlayer is 2, a layer offset of 0 draws only odd layers while a layer offset of 1 draws only the even ones.
Hatch origin increment 0 While hatching with parallel lines, there is an ambiguity where the first line starts in perpendicular direction. The Originincrement parameter moves the starting point of the hatch lines layer by layer.
Sort type none Defines how the fill hatches are sorted. Possible values are:
  • none - no specific resorting is performed
  • plusx - sort from left to right
  • minusx - sort from right to left
  • plusy - sort from bottom to top
  • minusy - sort from top to bottom

XML Configuration example code:

<checkerboard name="filling" entry="shere" distance="0.6" width="8.000" height="5.000" />