Radial hatching reference

Applies to 2022.0 Update and later

Produces filling of radial hatchlines per island or stack

Radial hatching draws concentric rings composed of radial hatchlines. This is best used on annular contours like for vertical pipes. Rings are drawn in order of increasing radius.

Radial hatching as applied per island (left) or per slice (right)

Parameter Default Value Description
Radial circle center Each island Choose between drawing radials per island or for the entire area of the current slice. In any case, the radials are drawn around the geometric center of the respective area or areas.
Mode Spiral Switches between radial and spiral hatching
Spiral rotation Clockwise Tangential direction in which the spiral toolpath is drawn
Spiral direction Inside out Radial direction in which the spiral toolpath is drawn
Hatch distance 0.2 mm Target median distance between two adjacent lines in a ring of hatchlines.
Thickness of each ring 5 mm Width per ring, starting at Minimal radius.
Minimal radius 0.2 mm Hatch lines are only drawn from this minimum radius outwards. Adjust to avoid excessive overexposure if the annular contour's inner radius is small enough, but note that this can leave an unexposed circular area in the center.
Minimal hatch length 0 mm Drops any hatches shorter than this distance, drawing nothing instead
Angle Rotates the start of hatching around the center. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation. At a rotation of 0° the first hatch drawn is parallel to X.
Angle increment Increments the rotation of the start of hatching around the center with every layer by this amount. Positive values mean counter-clockwise rotation increments. Of course, since the hatchlines are already radial, the effective angle increment for the hatchlines themselves is only Angle increment modulo (360 / calculated hatch count).
Overlap 0 mm Define an overlap between concentric rings. Positive values result in an overlap, negative values result in an unexposed gap between rings.
Alternate Yes For radials, alternates the draw direction of consecutive hatchlines. When set to No, they are drawn only from the center outwards. For spirals, alternates spiral direction between layers.
Dynamically adjust min and max radius Yes When set to yes, and if a ring cannot be drawn in its full width as specified by Thickness of each ring, not even partially, its hatching is calculated from the maximum possible width instead, possibly resulting in a slightly lower hatch count for those rings. Other rings remain unaffected.
Add contour No Includes a trace of the original contour in the hatch output as well

XML Configuration example code:

<radialhatches add_contour="0" adjust_min_max="1" alternate="1" angle="0" angle_inc="0" centerpoint="0" entry="original" hatchdistance="0.2" identifier="radialhatches" minimal_length="0" minimum_radius="0.2" mode="0" name="radialhatches" overlap="0" radius="5" spiral_direction="0" spiral_rotation="0"/>