Tutorial A7: Set Up the Model and Analysis Type

  1. Start Autodesk Inventor Nastran.
  2. From Open, navigate to the C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Autodesk\Inventor Nastran 2022\Tutorial\en-us\Inventor 2022 folder and open Chain_Explicit Dynamics.iam.
  3. In Inventor Nastran, click File, Save As and save the part with another name. Doing this allows you to reuse the original part.
  4. Click Environments > Autodesk Inventor Nastran.
  5. Right-click Analysis 1 > Edit, and then in the Analysis dialog, set Type to Explicit Dynamics.

    Ensure that Displacement and SPC boxes are checked.

  6. Also in this dialog, click Select Units and ensure that the Unit System is either CAD Model or English, using inches, pound force, and seconds.