Tutorial A8: Define Constraints

In the following steps, we will apply three constraints:

  1. In the Assembly tree, under Subcase 1, right-click Constraints > New. If Subcase 1 is not present, right-click Subcase > New to create it.
  2. Select the vertical faces on the Top Plate and Billet that align with the Base, and are perpendicular to the X axis, as shown in the figure.
  3. In the Constraint dialog, under Degrees of Freedom, select Tx to constrain the two faces in the X direction. Change the name of the constraint to X Sym.
  4. In the lower left of the dialog, click Create Duplicate to save X Sym and keep the dialog open for creation of another constraint.
  5. Right-click in the Selected Entities field and, if necessary, select Clear All to remove the faces selected for X Sym.
  6. Select the two adjacent vertical faces of the Top Plate and Billet that align with the Base, and are perpendicular to the Z axis.
  7. Select Tz to constrain the two faces in the Z direction. Rename this constraint to Z Sym.
  8. Click Create Duplicate again, select the top face of the Top Plate, and select Tx and Tz degrees of freedom.
  9. Name this constraint Top Face, then click OK to add it to the subcase.
  10. Under Subcase 1, right-click Constraints > New, change the Name to Rigid Constraint, and change the Type to Rigid(Explicit).
  11. Hover the cursor over the bottom Rigid Plate, then right-click Select Other > Solid1.

    Note that all six degrees of freedom are selected.

  12. Click OK to close the Constraint dialog.