Cyclic Symmetry Boundary Condition Generation

Description: Defines parameters for automatic cyclic symmetry boundary condition generation on an axisymmetric model.


CYSYMGEN, cid, ptol


CYSYMGEN, 12, 1.-6

Option Definition Type Default
cid Reference cylindrical coordinate system id that matches a CORD1C or CORD2C Bulk Data entry. Integer > 0 Required
ptol Near tolerance used to identify boundary grid points for the application of cyclic symmetric boundary conditions. Real or blank 1.0E-10


  1. When set to a valid cylindrical coordinate system id, boundary conditions are automatically generated which force cyclic symmetric behavior. Grid points are automatically identified at each r-z boundary plane based on the specified near tolerance, ptol. The two symmetry planes must have identical mesh patterns.
  2. The near tolerance is used to identify boundary grid points for the application of cyclic symmetric boundary conditions. The actual tolerance is derived using ptol and a model reference dimension. Each r-z boundary is identified as all grid points within this tolerance at the minimum and maximum θ values of the model.
  3. The CYSYMGEN and CYSYMTOL model parameters provide the same functionality as this command. See Section 5, Parameters, for more information on CYSYMGEN and CYSYMTOL.